Capitol Update: Hotel

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Piper papilon's ( Capitol Interviewer) P.O.V:

'' Hello! My name is Piper Papilon and I am taking over for Nymphadora as the interviewer and reporter especially for you! Nymph has dicided to head into early retirement. Her days as a reporter are sadly over, but anyway...moving swiftly on. I am standing outside the hotel where our tributes are staying and I have just received word on the games.'' I say smiling widely into the camera.

I stand into the porch to shelter from the pouring rain and continue.

'' This year, each tribute can secretly write on a piece of paper an object they wish to be in the cornucopia and it will be there for them, however the items can be taken by anyone. These will not be the only objects though, there will still be food and basic supplies. This is just so each tribute has more the reason to run to the cornucopia. It will be more interesting.''

The rain continues to pour but I still stand outside as I am not allowed near the tributes.

'' I also have received word on a few alliances between the tributes. So far I know of four separate teams but I cannot tell you more than that. You will have to wait and see. Tomorrow will be the first of two training days. On the first, each tribute will enter the training area together and work at different stations. On the second, there will be judging and each tribute will perform for the judges. Each tribute will then receive a label, '' Threat'' or '' Non-threat'' to give the other tributes a small hint on eachother's capabilities. Later on the second day, there will be a farewell feast and there will be updates after that. Until then, I'm Piper Papilon and that's your Capitol Update.''

'' And cut.'' Says the camerman.

'' Well done Piper, I guess your staying.'' Says President Snow and I sigh with felief in my head.

'' Do you think they bought it?'' I ask. '' About Nymphadora?''

'' To be honest, I don't care. Nobody will question me. If they do, they will die, just like Nymphadora.'' He smirks cruelly.

'' What about Clayton, what are you going to do with him?'' I ask.

'' That's not any of your business.'' He says.

'' Sorry, I was just curious.'' I say quickly.

'' Curiousity killed the cat.'' He says and walks into the hotel to tell the tributes about the item requests.

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