Hunger Games: Day Three - Part Two

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  • Dedicated to To Me ( As I made Banner )

Iris Maxwell's P.O.V:

They are coming! Yells Poppy. The hunter will be here in a few seconds, get ready he has a katana!

'' Guys. Poppy is here with us.'' I say. 

'' But she's dead.'' Says Bell looking horrified.

'' I know. I can see the dead, this isn't a joke.'' I explain quickly, getting to my feet.

'' What did she say?'' Asks Chance.

'' The hunter is coming.'' I explain quickly. '' He has a katana.''

'' What's a cat bandana?'' Asks Chance so innocentely I giggle, despite the circumstances.

'' A katana. It's like a sword.'' Says Bell.

'' What are we going to do?'' I ask. '' We only have weapons for half of us.''

'' I could give one of you two one of my daggers.'' Suggests Rhiannon.

'' No.'' Replies Chance and I together.

'' They're right. You wouldn't be as strong without them.'' Adds Bell.

There is noise from the water a couple of meters away. I glance over with a worried expression on my face.

'' Shit! I can count three. They are seperated, but there's three hunters approaching.'' I gasp.

'' Yeah. I see three too.'' Says Bell.

There's only one, the closest one. Behind him are David and Precious. Explains Poppy and then she disappears momentarily. David has a crossbow and Precious has her whip.

'' Shit! It's David and Precious behind the hunter. Precious has her whip and David has a bloody crossbow!'' I yell.

'' How the hell did he get a crossbow?'' Stutters Rhiannon.

'' Maybe they got it from their hunter.'' Suggests Chance.

Before anyone can respond, the hunter jumps through the bushes, a long slender sword gripped in both hands. He approaches, Chance screams and we all step backwards.

The hunter comes to life immediately, charging towards us, swinging his sword. He slices at Chance and cuts her ponytail cleanly off, narrowly missing her neck. Bell and Rhiannon sprint forwards to attack, Rhiannon slashing with his twin daggers, Bell slicing with her axe. 

The hunter is quick to react, he ducks under Bell's axe and blocks Rhiannon's daggers with his sword, knocking one of them to the floor, close to us. Chance steps forward and tosses the dagger closer to Rhiannon. Then, there is a loud whizzing noise and something metal glints for a second in the air. Chance turns to us, her eyes wide open and blood pouring from the side of her neck.

'' Shit!'' Shouts a voice somewhere in the bushes, David. '' We missed.''

'' You hit Chance!'' Screams Precious in response and she sprints forwards. 

Just as the hunter swipes at Rhiannon, Precious flicks her wrist, causing her whip to wrap around the neck of the hunter, strangling him. As Rhiannon drops to his knees, clutching a wound in his stomach, and the hunter falls to his knees, gasping for air, a loud cannon fires and Chance goes still.

David runs from the bushes, tosses the crossbow aside and runs to help Rhiannon. He pulls a bandage roll from his pocket and covers the wound. The gash is right across his chest and David asks him to seal the wound slightly by sitting forwards. 

Bell runs forward with her axe and chops at the back of the hunter, who screams in pain.  Precious continues to choke him with her whip and I run forwards, grabbing ones of RHiannon's daggers and lunging forwards, jabbing it into the hunters neck. I rip it free and slash his throat and I immediately know he is dead, he is standing beside me but in a new form.

'' He's dead.'' I say, and Precious unravels her whip from around his throat.

There is a second cannon fire as Rhiannon goes still, and then I find myself crying.

Amy March's P.O.V:

'' Look!'' I scream from the deck of the ship, the hunter is scaling the side of the ship and Florence is close behind, her dagger between her teeth.

Casper stands with two daggers, one in either hand, Maverick has a stack of throwing knives, Dakota has her bow and arrow and I have two daggers too, even though I don't know how to use them.

A few seconds later, both the hunter and Florence are on the deck with us. Dakota fires an arrow but it bounces off whatever the hunter is wearing. After the first shot, the battle goes into full throttle. Florence sprints for the hunter as the hunter lunges at us with it's spear. Jumping forwards, jabbing with the spear then diving back defensively. Maverick throws a knife towards Florence but she ducks beneath it. Casper runs for the hunter and slashes at the hunter with the two daggers.

The hunter swings the spear and it smashes him in the face, knocking him to the floor. I jump in to take his place, making sure it can't get near him. The hunter swings the spear at my legs, but I leap into the air and the spear flies harmlessly below me. The hunter then jabs the spear at me, I dive backwards defensively and trip over Casper, falling hard to the floor.

Maverick jumps in, now using his throwing knives as daggers. He lashes out at the hunter, drawing blood in his face just as Florence dives on his back, ripping at his neck with her nails. The hunter throws Florence to the floor and she spits blood from her mouth, he then turns to us. 

Myself and Casper are now up off the floor and he tosses his spear at us. It flies through the air, and time sort of halts for a second, and my vision changes, as if everything is in slow motion. As the spear flies threw the air, Casper dives forwards, blocking me from the danger. The spear hits him, going right through his stomach, the bloody metal tip of the spear showing from a hole in his back.

Florence dives at the hunter, and begins madly slashing at him, tearing her dagger along his arm and smashing her clenched fists into his temples. 

I look at Casper, blood is now pouring from his wound and some is dribbling from his mouth. He winks once at me and his eyes shut. There is complete silence apart from Florence's maniacale screaming as she disembowels the hunter but for once, I am OK with her sickening addiction, because the hunter just killed Casper. 

There is a loud cannon fire which ehoes loudly throughout the arena.

'' I think that's it.'' Says Dakota. '' There is only eight of us left.'' 

'' Congratulations tributes! You are the final eight and you have made it to the Ultimate Games, please stand by for collection!'' Beams a cheery Capitol voice around the arena.

My head goes dizzy and then the floor flies up and hits me in the face.

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