Capitol Update: Reapings Two

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Piper Papilon's P.O.V:

'' Hello Panem, all the reapings for the second part of this years Quell have drawn to a close and we have our next set of twenty four tributes. In a couple of weeks that will be narrowed down to eight, but let's not think about that yet.

From District Five, we have Even Tucker, aged fifteen. The twins Felicity and Percy Jones, aged thirteen. Bruno Chase, aged sixteen. Matthew Blake, aged twelve and finally Jason Strange, aged fifteen. This was definitely an interesting reaping, if I do say so myself. When Felicity Jones was reaped and her twin brother volunteered in her place, the crowd was excitable but when her name was pulled out twice and nobody could take her place....priceless! District Five gave us alot of young tributes, the oldest being Bruno at sixteen years of age. This is almost an all boy District as Felicity is the only girl.

From District Six, Clarisse Storm, aged sixteen. Maya Griffin, also aged sixteen. Eliot Banks, aged twelve. Ali Phelps, aged fifteen. Taylor Curtis, aged sixteen and Chris Tate, aged eighteen. We had a rather interesting character from Six, Maya Griffin. She was very cheeky to her escort, Jessica Joy but I think the Capitol people liked her sass. What do you think about Jessica's new method for picking tributes, when she called two names and the name that got the louder cheer was reaped. I thought it was very interesting. Also, another interesting character is Chris Tate, the son of a previous victor. This District was pretty old on average with the oldest tribute being eighteen. The male/female ratio is even with three of each gender.

From District Seven, Bonnie Fletcher, Clyde Summers, Celia Bruton, Willow Sage, Lana Fletcher and Caine Wudrove. We had a very speciall surprise, Bonnie Reale who was forced to be a tribute for breaking the rules of the District. She snook outside the boundaries of District Seven and was hunting. But I don't really see how that's a is a honour. What do you think about the sixteen year old, Willow Sage who is determined she is receiving a place in the Ultimate Games...I can tell she's a winner. We had two eighteen year olds in Seven, Celia Bruton and Caine Wudrove. In Seven, there are four girls and just two boys, also the ages are pretty even ranging from twelve all the way up to eighteen.

From District Eight, Adam Villareal, Aggie Long, Maxi Lloyd, Simon Tyson, Bruce Spring and Lee Turner. Probably the most exciting thing about this was young Maxi Lloyd volunteering for the small boy near the end. Poor Maxi, just thirteen years old probably the only person to ever volunteer from Eight, and being so young just makes it even more unusual. The ages of Eight's tributes were all rather low apart from Bruce the sixteen year old, the rest were fourteen or younger. There were a surplus of males from Eight as only two girls were reaped.

That's all we have to say for know, the tributes are on their way here to the Capitol at the moment and the next Capitol Update will be when they arrive in the station. Until then, I'm Piper Papilon and that was your Capitol Update.''

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