Authors Note ( including Questions and Answers with the Author )

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The One Hundredth Annual Hunger Games
( 13th February 2012 - 25th August 2012 )

[ Check out the linked video for a book review made for me by a fan! ]

 First of all, I'd like to start by saying how grateful I am with the positive response I have gotten from all my fans even from the start of this book. It means so much that my idea brings so much joy to readers all around the world. I am both shocked and amazed at the amount of reads I get a day, and never in my wildest daydreams did I ever imagine that I could write something on Wattpad that could be so successful. Way back at the start,  I was shocked to receive one thousand reads, now, a few months on, I have over two hundred thousand, which frankly is unbelievable. So again, I would like to thank you all.

Next, I would like to thank all my fans who submitted tributes, gave me suggestions for special attractions, voted for the special attractions, helped with arena ideas and those who sent in questions to my tributes during the interview stages. Without some of your questions, I would not have come up with some character backgrounds that helped progress the story so much and that you all seemed to love, so again thank you.

Finally, I want to reiterate how pleased I am that my story and characters meant so much to some of you. It is always great when an authors idea connects with the fans, but honestly, the love and compassion some of you felt for my characters is just unbelievable, so thank you again.

This is not the last book I will be writing, you can expect plenty more where this came from but be patient! I am probably done with fan fictions for the moment, but you never know, this may not be the last we hear from the Ultimate Games. Stay safe, and keep reading, lots of love and thanks,


Questions and Answers with the Author:

All: Are you making a second Hunger Games Fan Fiction?

Yes, I have a second fan fiction out at the moment. It is set twenty five years after this book and is quite like this in that it is a Quarter Quell. It won't be as big as the Ultimate Games, but it will still be very action packed with a bit of romance! It is called '' Dependence '', go check it out!

DamagedWisdom: Do you have a Twitter account?

Yes I do, it is actually on my profile page ( CianGriffin151 ). Please, if you enjoyed this book, send me a Tweet of your favourite character, quote, a question or a picture of something Hunger Games related and use the hashtag #MadeinWicklow and I will respond to you!

All: Did you cry at all whilst writing this?

No I did not. I actually received quite a number of comments from readers who were reduced to tears over the deaths of characters. This really surprised me as I had no idea how attached they had become. Although I did not cry whilst killing off characters, I think this is due to the fact that I wasn’t reading the story, I was writing it. I had planned most characters’ deaths before I wrote them, so it wasn’t a shock to me. In saying this, I still did have a hard time choosing who would die, when they would die and how they would die. Some of the hardest deaths to write were Perrie,  Amy, Percy and Felicity, Mia and surprisingly Florence ( who is without a doubt one of my favourite characters!  Although she was pure evil, I found her death hard to write and accept :P )

All: If this was a movie, what character would you like to play in it?

I am not really sure to be perfectly honest.  I am not really an actor, and I didn’t really focus on the male characters in this – I mean, the most interesting male character was probably Pod! – as the female ones were more fun to write ( such as the psychopathic Florence or the psychic Iris ). However, if I had to choose, I guess it would be Pod, because he was one of my favourite characters in the book! :P

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