Interviews ~ District Seven

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Piper Papilon's P.O.V:

'' Hello Panem, welcome back to the interviews! I am now starting the interviews for District Seven, tributes please come on up here and we can start!'' I say happily. '' Let's start with...Bonnie!''

'' OK.'' She says.

'' How did you feel when you were forced into the Games?'' I ask.

'' Amazing.'' She says dryly.

'' OK, let me rephrase that. Do you think it was fair you were forced in?''

'' No. Definitely not!'' She replies angrily.

'' Well you did break numerous rules, possession of a weapon, exiting the perimeter of your District, hunting and killing wildlife. You kind of brought it on yourself.'' I say.

'' I had no choice, we were starving to death. People die daily in Seven from things like starvation, there are bodies in the streets if you are out before eight. I couldn't let that happen to the ones I love.'' She says and receives a few sympathetic awes from the crowd.

'' So your good with a bow then?'' I ask.

'' I'm a natural.'' She says confidently.

'' Well I can't wait to see your skills. Have you seen Perrie's skills with her bow in the other Games?''

'' She's OK, I guess but we didn't see much of her to be honest. I could take her.'' She replies.

'' There seems to already be a rivalry between the first Game's tributes and this ones, especially towards Perrie.'' I joke and receive a laugh.

'' Thanks for that Bonnie, next up is Celia Bruton!'' I exclaim excitedly.

'' Hi Piper.'' She says nicely.

'' Hello Celia! You are one of the three eighteen year olds reaped for this Games. Do you think being one of the oldest will give you an advantage over the others?'' I ask.

'' Obviously it will help, I mean I'm older, more matured and all. I guess I could have a slight advantage over some others but one should never presume.'' She says.

'' Another wise set of words, man these tributes are inspiring!'' I joke. '' I heard who you were teaming up with, both of them from your District. I can't wait to see the three of you in action!''

'' Thank you.'' She says, blushing.

'' So, anyone you fancy here?'' I smile.

'' Oh no. I have a boyfriend back home and we are happy.''

 '' Would he not have volunteered for you?'' I question.

'' I made him promise he wouldn't, besides somebody has to help take care of my family while I'm gone, but I will see them all soon...once I get out.'' She says.

'' Once you get out.'' I repeat smiling. '' Your pretty confident.''

'' Confidence is key.'' She smiles.

'' Next up, Clyde Summers.'' I say cheerily. '' Your pretty young, how do you like the Capitol?''

'' It's great.'' He replies. '' But some people dress funny.''

'' It's called fashion boy, someday you might understand it.'' I smile and he returns it when the crowd chuckles.

'' Oh, fashion. I think my sister has that.'' He says and the crowd laughs wildly at his innocence.

'' Keep that up kid, and you may last.'' I whisper. '' Next up is Lana Fletcher!'

'' Hello Piper.'' She says innocently.

'' Hi Lana, you're one of our youngest tributes, only recently twelve am I correct?''

'' Yes. It was my birthday a while ago.'' She replies.

'' Are you looking forward to entering the arena?'' I ask, running out of questions.

''  Not really, no.'' She replies.

'' What about training? If you show your skills there then maybe you can get a few sponsors.'' I say.

'' Maybe.'' She answers in a monotone.

Sensing the crowds boredom, I move on.

'' Next up, Caine Wudrove. Our other eighteen year old.''

'' Hiya Piper!'' He says cheerily.

'' Are you as happy as you are acting?'' I ask uncertainly.

'' Of course I am! I love the Capitol, the people, the hotel, the shops, the food. It's al great! I wish I lived here.'' He says enthusiastically.

'' Oh shucks, we are flattered.'' I reply. '' How is your accomodation.''

'' I love it! We get our own servants, what are they called again?'' He asks.

'' The avoxs?'' I suggest.

'' Yes! They're the ones!'' He says excitedly. '' Fairly quiet though.''

The crowd burst into laughter.

'' Your quite the comedian, aren't you?'' I laugh.

'' I try, I try.'' He smiles.

'' So, you plan on gettin' to the Ultimate Games?'' I ask.

'' Of course! I'm going all the way!'' He says excitedly and the crowd cheer his name.

'' Finally, our last tribute but not in any means least, Willow Sage!'' I yell and the crowd cheer excitedly.

'' Hello Piper, hello people of the Capitol and hi mom!'' She yells into the camera and the crowd laugh.

'' So, what is your game plan for the Hunger Games arena?'' I ask.

'' Kill, eat, sleep. Survive.'' She says. '' By any means necessary.''

'' You're alot like Reina from the first Games held earlier this year, what do you think of her?'' I ask.

'' She's strong, independent, a born survivor, like you need to be. When I get to the Ultimate Games maybe me and her could team up.'' She smirks at her fellow tributes evilly.

'' You two would make a dastardly duo!'' I say. '' I know I shouldn't really show favouritism but I'm routing for you, I just really want to see what you and Reina look like together.'' I say happily and the crowd begin chanting the two names.

The buzzer rings.

'' I'm afraid that's all we have time for, I will see you all later for the District Eight Interviews! For now, good bye!'' I yell, leading the tributes from the stage.

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