Reapings: District Eleven and District Twelve

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Dakota Reece's P.O.V:

'' Don't worry Dakota, you won't be picked! I'm sure you've gone through this since you were twelve.'' He smiles. '' And you were never picked!''

'' My sister was.'' I reply back.

'' But someone took her place.'' I argue.

'' Her boyfriend.'' He replies. '' And you're lucky you have a boyfriend who would do the same for you.''

'' Her boyfriend died.'' I reply, sadly.

'' And if it comes to it, so will I.'' He replies and leans in to kiss my cheek.

'' I love you.'' I smile and kiss him back.

'' I love you too. Now, I hate to interupt this but we better head to the reapings, you kinow what happens if you're late.'' He says, his mood changing.

'' Yeah, let's go.'' I reply and we head to the packed town sqaure.

We stand beside eachother, hand in hand in the eighteen year old section as the mayor stands up on stage and begins talking about the rebellion, the birth of the Hunger Games, and the Quarter Quells and so on. After about twenty minutes, that dragged on for ever, he invites District Eleven's escort to the stage, Bibi Ballister. As usual, she drones on annoyingly about what an amazing honour it is to be representing the District in the Games, this year, even more important as it's a Quell. Finally, she begins the reapings and steps up to the reaping bowl.

'' Now ladies and gentlemen, our first tribute is Fern Parker!'' She yells happily.

'' Oh God.'' I whisper to Craig as a crying little girl is dragged by a peacekeeper and thrown in front of the microphone, she stands weakly in front of it and continues sobbing.

'' I'm twelve.'' She cries, and is dragged over to the seating.

'' I hate this.'' I whisper again, fighting back tears myself, feeling for the young girl.

'' Next up! Is...Robert Parker!'' She yells happily and cocks up an eyebrow. '' Siblings?''

After the boy reaches the stage and she repeats the question he shakes his head.

'' We're cousins and I am fifteen.'' He says.

'' Excellent! Cousins! Not as weird as the twins from Five but still!'' She laughs and sticks her hand back into the bowl.

'' Precious Smith!'' Bibi screams happily and a muscular black girl steps out from a section in front of me and struts towards the stage proudly.

'' My name is Precious and this is a face you'll soon learn to fear.'' She says into the microphone. '' I'm sixteen by the way.''

'' Fantastic!'' Yells Bibi enthusiastically.

'' Next up, Dakota Reece!'' She yells and I feel Craig's grip on my hand loosen.

I stand staring around me as the rest of the Districts eighteen year olds, including Criag step away from me and leave me standing alone. I don't move, even though the peacekeepers are shouting at me.

'' Craig?'' I say. '' Volunteer?''

'' I can't Dakota.'' He replies weakly.

'' You promised.'' I sob and feel the peacekeeper's hand on my shoulder pulling me backwards.

'' I'm sorry.'' He says simply and I turn away and walk up to the stage.

'' I'm eighteen.'' I spit angrily into the microphone and sit down behind Bibi beside the other tributes.

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