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"Move! Or I'll miss the bus!" Elizabeth yelled at Cole.

He only smiled, so she tried for a desperate kick.

He moved away and held up his hands in surrender, "All right I'm gone! No need to be such a freaking pushover."

She ran past him, ignoring the rude comment. He stood watching her retreat and when she was a few feet away, a paper dropped out of an open pocket in her backpack.

It fluttered to the ground, but she hadn't noticed and just kept running towards her bus.

He smiled at the enjoyment of her loosing something that may be important to her and turned his back, heading to his ride home.

He had only taken a few steps when he suddenly stopped.

What if it really was something extremely important to her? He didn't care. Or did he?

He looked over his shoulder at her as she ran, her backpack swaying from side to side, her hair a complete mess.

What a loser.

He hesitated a while longer then thought, it would be good to mock her for being so clumsy for dropping the paper, wouldn't it?

He decided that he didn't really care and he was about to turn away again, when a little kid from school stepped on it accidentally and sent it across the side walk and towards the street full of cars.

He acted on instinct and ran to the paper, grabbing it before it could reach the pavement.

"Watch where you step!" he yelled at the boy who apologized and resumed walking.

He glanced at the paper and saw that it was the math sheet that his class had homework in for tomorrow.

He remembered his math teacher strictly saying that if they didn't do the homework he was going to subtract 10 grades from the next test.

He looked up to see her climb aboard her bus and found himself thinking, it wouldn't be fair if she got a -10. She's a nerd and nerds live for grades, right? He had to give her the paper.

The bus she had gotten in rumbled to life and began to move, snapping him out of his daze.

He pelted down the sidewalk towards the bus, dropping his backpack on he floor so he could go faster.

"Wait!" he yelled, "You dropped your math sheet!"

He gasped for breath as the bus picked up speed, but he continued chasing it.

"Hey! Wait!" he yelled.

He saw her head at the seat in the back turn and look at him with an annoyed look on her face.

He couldn't find the air to scream again so he waved the paper wildly in his hand as he picked up his own speed.

He saw her face turn to a puzzled expression and he was gulping in breaths by the time her eyes widened.

Suddenly he tripped and fell, landing hard on his hands and knees.

He looked up, gasping for breath, and saw the bus moving farther away.

He gave up and punched the sidewalk in frustration.

But he looked up again as the bus shuddered to a stop. He watched as the doors opened and she came down the steps.

He smiled, relieved, then realized he was still on the ground. Embarrassed he stood up and saw that his left pant leg had been ripped at the knee and that there was a small scratch on his right palm.

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