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After the party, Elizabeth fell asleep. She went to sleep and dreamed.


Elizabeth stood in a pitch black room. The only light was coming from a spotlight that shone on a boy that knelt in the middle of the room. His head was in his hands and his shoulders shook. He was crying. Elizabeth didn't know how she knew but she knew that it was Brandon. Why was he crying? Elizabeth wanted to run towards him, but she couldn't move.

Suddenly a sharp pain shot through her wrist. Elizabeth looked down and saw that the bracelet Brandon had given her was wrapped tight around her wrist. It was so tight that the skin around it was purple. She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. And instead of the red diamonds on the bracelet, there were tiny red hearts.

Suddenly, the crying boy-Brandon, looked up. His eyes and nose were red, his hands were wet with tears. He yelled at Elizabeth, "Why?!" and touched the spot on his chest where his heart should be.

Elizabeth was confused, what was going on? Before she could figure anything out, the tiny red hearts on the bracelet exploded into a million pieces, the sharp shards cutting her face.

Then the dream changed.

Elizabeth sat with Cole on a bench in the park, laughing.

Suddenly Cole stood up and coughed. He coughed so hard that he stumbled back. Elizabeth tried to get up, but she seemed to be glued to the bench. Cole put a hand up to his mouth as he coughed again and when he pulled it away, it was covered in blood. Elizabeth fought against herself, straining every muscle in her body to move, but she was frozen. She watched helplessly as dark spots formed beneath Cole's eyes. He became skinny and weak. He collapsed to the floor, unable to support his own weight, and didn't move.

The dream changed yet again and Elizabeth found herself kneeling in front of a grave, tears wetting her cheeks. The sky was dark and packed with clouds. Rain poured down on her and a cold wind blew, chilling her bones.

Elizabeth tried to read the name carved into the tombstone, but her vision was blurry.

Who was dead? Who died? She strained to see as the rain wet every inch of her clothes.

Thunder struck, casting a creepy glow on the tombstone. It was enough light for Elizabeth to be able to read the name.

It read:

Elizabeth White.


Elizabeth woke up screaming. She sat up as her parents burst into her room. Her father pulled her close to him, hugging her. She cried into his chest uncontrollably. She was wet with sweat.

Elizabeth's mom rubbed her back, and her dad whispered to her, "It's ok, your safe now."

Elizabeth had to pull herself together. She blinked hard, blocking the exit for her next tear. She pulled away from her father and sniffed.

"Are you ok, darling?" her mom asked her in a soft voice.

Elizabeth nodded, traumatised. "Bad dream." she said.

"You want some water?" her dad asked.

"No thanks." Elizabeth had to change the subject, "What time is it?"

"It's 3:40pm, you slept for a long time." her mom answered.

Elizabeth rubbed her eyes, "Can you guys give me a second? I just need to let everything...sink in."

"Of course." her mom kissed her forehead and her dad squeezed her arm, then let go, worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine." she assured him.

He nodded, a slight smile on his face. Then her parents walked out of her room, closing the door behind them.

Elizabeth sighed and stood up, stretching. She glanced at the drawer in her nightstand were she kept the bracelet Brandon had given her. She shuddered as she remembered her dream and rubbed her wrist.

She looked towards her window, but the curtain was closed. She walked over to it to open it, but stopped herself halfway there and walked into her bathroom instead.

She took off her clothes and stepped into the shower. She turned on the hot water and let it run. She stepped under the water and closed her eyes, the heat relaxing her.

She was tired of thinking. Her dream was so confusing. Well, the Brandon part was pretty self explanatory after what had happened yesterday, but everything else was a mystery.

She felt bad for Brandon, was worried about Cole, and had no idea what seeing her grave in her dream even meant. But for her, at that moment, ignorance was bliss.


Later in the day, Elizabeth and Cole lay on their backs on the grass in Cole's back yard, Elizabeth's hand in Cole's. They looked up at the clouds, seeing what the shapes looked like.

"That one looks like a cat's face." Cole pointed at a big blob in the sky.

"No it doesn't." Elizabeth replied.

"Then what is it?" he asked.

"A cloud."

"You have no imagination." Cole laughed.

Elizabeth smiled, "It's true."

Cole turned to his side and looked at her, his blue eyes bright in the sunlight. She turned too and they lay there for a while, staring at each other.

Elizabeth loved these moments with Cole. They were small and didn't last long, but they meant a lot to her. She was actually afraid of how much she loved Cole, she didn't think it was humanly possible to love someone that much.

Then Cole winced and sat up, a hand on his back. Elizabeth sat up too and asked him, "You ok?"

"Ya, I'm fine."he replied.

"Cole..." Elizabeth hesitated, she didn't want to worry him, but she said, "I had a dream."

Cole looked at her and smiled, raising an eyebrow, "About me?"

"You..." she sighed, "You were sick, really sick. Like deadly sick."

Cole was silent for a while, "My back and shoulders just hurt a little."

"And you have a crazy cough, can't breath, and your chest hurts! You have to go see a doctor!"Elizabeth said, mad that he wasn't being honest.

"Fine, I don't know what's going on with me." he sighed.

"Come here." Elizabeth scooted closer to him and rubbed his back. She massaged his shoulders a little, but then he leaned back on her, taking her hands in his and kissing them.

He then closed his eyes and whispered to her, "What would I do without you? I can't ever lose you."

Elizabeth said, "If you don't want to lose me then you'll have to go to the doctor. Please; I can't take it if there really is something wrong with you."

Cole opened his amazing eyes and looked at her silently. Finally he sighed, "Fine. I'll go."

Elizabeth smiled and rested her cheek on the top of his head. Then she realised that part of her dream was actually true. In her dream, Cole was sick and then Elizabeth saw her grave. It was true, if something happened to Cole then Elizabeth would die.

~~Authors Note:

Hi everybody!!! :)

First of all thanks for reading you all rock!!

Second, there's this awesome book called Invisible by Rawan Fakhreddine you guys should check it out it rocks!!

Thanks again for reading!! :) :D

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