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The next day was a Friday. Elizabeth was relieved, she really wished that Wednesday wasn't a school day. She really needed a break in the middle of the week.

She was walking down the sidewalk to school, thinking that she should make it a law when she heard a door open and close.

Elizabeth spun around, a smile on her face, thinking it was Cole, but it was just her neighbor Mr. Thomas. She awkwardly waved at him and he waved back, confused. Elizabeth spun around again and walked fast, embarrassed.

She heard another door open and slam closed. She didn't dare turn around. She heard heavy footsteps and thought maybe it was that big man that lived in the neighborhood. Had she passed his house yet? No.

Who was it? Probably someone going on a morning jog or walking to-

"Elizabeth." she heard a raspy whisper. Who in the world was that? She stopped walking and heard the voice again.

"Liz." Cole?

She spun around and saw Cole standing there, swaying as if he was about to fall over. He spoke again in that voice, "Elizabeth."

"Cole." she ran over to him.

"I think I'll go to that doctor now." he said and then his eyes rolled up and closed and he fell limp.

Elizabeth caught him before he fell to the floor, panic igniting inside her. Cole's head lolled to the side. He had just fainted.

She did the most logical thing to do: she screamed. "Help!" she yelled to anyone who could hear her, "Help!"

She tried to pull Cole up, to get his feet under him, but all that did was make her fall over, pulling Cole down with her. The scariest thing was that she couldn't feel him breathing, his chest wasn't moving.

No one had heard her.

She stood up and ran. She poured all her speed into it and rang the doorbell three times at her house when she reached it. She pounded on the door so hard it shook.

The door flew open and her dad stood there, wide eyes. She didn't even let him speak.

"Cole." she said and took off running down the sidewalk back to where Cole lay.

The sight of him sent a fresh wave of fear through her. He was way too pale, lips blue, and he looked so skinny. It was all her fault, she should have taken him to the doctor, shouldn't have asked him.

Elizabeth's dad was already there, he didn't have a jacket on and it was freezing outside. Her mother was running towards them in her bathrobe, worry clear on her face.

"What happened?" Elizabeth's dad asked.

"I don't know. Dad please help, I don't think he's breathing." Elizabeth cried and knelt next to Cole, cradling his head in her arms.

"Right. I'll go get the car. Wait here." her dad ran back to the house.

Elizabeth's mom reached her and she stopped, "Oh dear, poor thing."

"Mom, help please."

"Alright. Move over." her mother knelt next to Cole and put her ear next to his nose. She then checked his pulse. "He's breathing, but barely. He needs to be hospitalized."

"How do you know?" Elizabeth asked.

"I loved biology." she stood up. "You and your father go to the hospital. I'll notify his mother."

A few people were looking out their windows and some stood on their front porches, watching. Elizabeth's dad pulled up then with the car. Elizabeth helped her parents carry Cole into the backseat of the car. Elizabeth hopped in next to him and her dad drove like a madman, swerving around cars and barely missing red lights.

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