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After the bell rang Elizabeth hesitated a few minutes behind the bathroom door, then she opened it and ran out and through the crowded halls, ignoring the looks of some kids only stopping when Henry grabbed her arm.

"Are you ok?" he asked her.

Instead of answering she pulled him into a hug.

"Um...Elizabeth?" Henry lightly patted her back, surprised.

"I..." she sobbed into his shoulder.

"Ya, I heard." he hugged her more firmly.

"I hate him so much! I was trying to help him and all he did was laugh!" Elizabeth wiped her tears away and straightened up. "I have to tell Mrs.Rose that I can NOT work with him."

"I'll come with you. If that's ok." Henry said.

Elizabeth nodded and led him down the hall, ignoring all the mean remarks, except the one that came from Cole.

"Hey Liz! Where are you going, trying to find another sleeping kid and attack him too?" She heard Cole's voice from across the hallway.

Elizabeth stopped so suddenly that Henry ran into her. She turned towards Cole who was leaning on the black and blue lockers, his friend Dixon standing next to him. Cole smiled and waved at her.

"Hey, he's not worth it." Henry whispered into Elizabeth's ear. But she had had enough of Cole Kent to last a lifetime.

"Listen here Cole." She snapped, hating it when she had to say his name, "You better leave me alone or else."

Some kids had stopped walking and looked at the showdown that was going on with the loser girl and the boy every one knew.

Cole stood straight and stepped closer to her, "Or else what?" he asked that stupid smile still on his lips.

"Or else you'll see the other side of me, and trust me you do not want to see that."

"Is that a threat?" he didn't look offended at all.

"I guess it is."

"Well then, game on." he stared at her with those penetrating blue eyes, but she never looked away.

"Game on." she agreed. Every muscle in her body was tense and she had to fight the urge to slap Cole that almost overwhelmed her.

Cole's face suddenly turned stone hard, losing the mocking smile and Elizabeth almost stepped back in surprise. She expected him to say something but all he did was turn and walk down the hallway, away from her. Dixon ran after him and the crowd that had gathered to watch them slowly scattered. Elizabeth stood in shock for a few minutes.

"What was I doing again?" she asked Henry, who stood beside her waiting patiently.

"You were going to tell Mrs.Rose that you need a new partner." Henry said softly.

"Right." Elizabeth snapped back to reality, "Let's go." she continued her way back to her history class thinking that she had just written herself a death sentence.

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