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The next day at school Elizabeth ran through the halls towards the big door that led outside to the soccer field. She burst through the doors and tore across the school grounds and up the few steps that led to the grassy field. The sun was shining, but a cold wind blew that made her hug her jacket to her body. She approached her classmates; the boys were already playing a match while the girls sat on the benches, most of them texting on their phones.

"White!" Elizabeth's P.E coach yelled at her, "Late again?!"

"Sorry, coach."Elizabeth said as she caught her breath.

"Go take a seat next to the other girls." he said as he crossed his strong arms over his chest.

"Um, actually, I wanted to ask you if I could play with the guys for a change." Elizabeth said, fiddling with her fingers.

The coach looked out at the boys as Dixon screamed at one of the other boys, face red. "You want to play with those monsters?" he asked her.

Elizabeth laughed, she loved soccer but she hated playing with the girls because they all sucked at it, so her last option was playing with the boys, "Yes, I do."

The coach laughed, "A challenge! I love it." he paused, "Tell you what, if you can kick back that flying comet that's headed straight towards us, then I'll let you play."

Elizabeth turned towards the field just in time to see the soccer ball flying right at her head. She acted fast and reached her hands up, catching the ball. She looked over at the coach, who nodded and said, "How's your kick?"

Elizabeth looked back at the field, her eyes catching Brandon's who smiled at her.

"Come on! We want to play today!" Dixon yelled.

Elizabeth saw him sneer at her and she rolled her eyes. She put the ball on the floor and looked over at Cole, who had developed a sudden interest in his shoes. She sighed, wishing Henry was there and took a step back, then reared her right foot back and kicked the ball as hard as she could. She expected it to roll over to Brandon, but instead it went airborne and was flying right at Cole's face. At the last second before impact, he looked up and the ball slammed into his face with a loud SMACK.

Cole's head snapped back and he fell to the ground on his back. For a second, no one moved, then Brandon burst into laughter and Dixon ran to his fallen friends side. Elizabeth's hands shot up to her open mouth and she ran out into the field where Cole was lying. All the other boys didn't know how to react, some of them had smiles on their face and others looked at Elizabeth with scowls; they all stood unmoving. The girls on the other hand, we're a different story. They all stood up and gasped, running after Elizabeth into the middle of the field.

Elizabeth knelt next to Dixon as Cole sat up, gently touching his bleeding nose, a look of confusion spread across his face.

"Cole, I'm so sorry-" Elizabeth tried to apologize, but Dixon cut her off.

"You stay away." he pushed her, "What are you, trying to knock his head off his shoulders?"

"Hey, leave her alone." Brandon snapped at him. Elizabeth touched Cole's arm, "Hey-"

Cole stood up making Dixon and Elizabeth stand up too.

"You are crazy." Cole said, backing away from her. He pinched his nose, trying to stop the blood and said in a wierd voice, "Stay away from me, freak."

"What?" Elizabeth stood stunned. What had just happened? Was yesterday just a dream? " was an accident."

"Whatever." Cole said rolling his eyes.

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