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Cole didn't let go of her hand until he had led her out of the house, down the street, and into his car. He then said nothing as he drove through the cloudy cold night until he finally parked in the middle of an empty street.

Elizabeth looked out her window at the woods that surrounded both sides of the road. She shivered and rolled up her window. She looked up at the bright full moon as dark shadows passed over it; rain was coming soon.

She should have been afraid, calling for help, she should already be out the door and running back to the main street. Being alone in a car with a mysterious boy in the middle of the woods was not a good thing. Yet, she seemed calmer than ever and she almost believed that Cole was really going to tell her everything right then and there, and everything would be good again.

Why did she put so much trust in him, when he was the least predictable guy she knew? She had no answer to that question.

Elizabeth looked over at Cole. The only light was coming from the headlights of the car, casting shadows across his face, making Cole suddenly look exhausted and miserable. He stared at the road ahead of him, eyes blank, face slack, impossible to read. He said nothing.

The quiet was almost unbearable, but Elizabeth copied his posture and waited.

She stared out at the dark street ahead as the silence made her ears ring. She sat patiently as a deer crossed the road.

It began to rain. It was only a light drizzle, making soft sounds on the roof of Cole's car. Elizabeth thought about Brandon and how he must feel now after she had left him to go with a boy they both hated. She hated herself for leaving him. She hated Brandon for not grabbing her arm and dragging her up stairs. She hated Cole for bringing her here, possibly to freeze to death while she waited for him to at least-

"You can sit here all night, I don't think I'm going to make a speech tonight." Cole said harshly. It came out sounding like he had never really planned to tell her anything, like she had just fallen into another one of his plans to crush her.

Elizabeth's head snapped towards him, "What?" she snapped.

He shrugged, "I change my mind, I'm not telling you anything."

Elizabeth stared at him, mouth wide open.

"You didn't really expect me to open up to you, did you?" he asked.

Elizabeth asked, "I left my friends and an awesome party to go with you and now your saying you don't want to talk?"

Cole nodded.

Elizabeth smiled, "Ha. You know what? You're right. I should've known better, I never should've trusted you." Cole frowned as if he hadn't meant to upset her. Elizabeth continue her rant, " You turned out to be exactly what I thought you were: a lying, selfish, heartless, creep! I never thought you could stoop so low." she grabbed the door handle and opened it. "I never want to see your face again." she stepped out into the cold night and thought about going back into the car, it was warm there, but she slammed the door shut and walked down the street, back the way they had come, in the rain.

She hugged herself tight, her stupid excuse for a jacket did nothing to keep the cold away. She could see her breath, but she kept walking. Cole called her name but she ignored him, why did he have to torture her so much?

She was half glad that it was raining, that way Cole couldn't see her tears. Elizabeth heard Cole open and close his door and the sound of his footsteps on the wet pavement.

The rain was now pouring and she could no longer feel her hands or her feet and she knew her lips must've been turning blue.

"Have you ever felt so completely and utterly lost?" Cole's question made her stop walking away. She didn't turn to face him, but the question was so uncalled for, she couldn't help but hear what he had to say.

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