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The next day Elizabeth walked into school hoping she could have one normal day. But of course, that wasn't possible.

Elizabeth walked through the crowded corridors and past many people. Someone pushed her from behind and she ran into someone else, knocking him down. She stumbled, but didn't fall. She looked down and Brandon looked up.

From behind her Dixon snickered and walked away. Elizabeth stood frozen as Brandon stood up again. Someone bumped into him and he stumbled forward. Their faces were centimeters away from each other. She could smell his cologne.

Elizabeth reached out a hand to hug him, but he grabbed her wrist, stopping her. Brandon let go of her, sighing, and walked away. Elizabeth let her hand stay in the air, she clenched her fingers into a fist. She slammed her knuckles into the closet locker in frustration. Pain raced up her hand and she waved it off at her side. She wished Brandon would talk to her.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her hand from behind and spun her around. She was pulled into a tight hug, the air was knocked out of her. She was too surprised to understand what was happening. She could glimpse brown hair out of her peripheral vision an she remembered the smell of his cologne.


She smiled and hugged him back as tight as he hugged her.

"I'm sorry." she sobbed in his ear.

"No, I'm sorry." Brandon said, his voice muffled, "I shouldn't have been so harsh on you."

"Brandon." she whispered, still holding him tight.

"Huh?" he asked, his voice wobbly.

"Brandon." she said. Then she laughed.

"What's going on with you?" he said, a smile sounding in his voice.

"I'm just so glad we're friends again." she laughed, "I missed you Brandon."

He finally pulled away, his eyes ecstatic. "Friends." he said the word carefully, "Better than nothing." he smiled.

Elizabeth smiled. Brandon moved to hug her again, but her heart leaped from her chest and she held out a hand. She was happy they were friends again, but they were just friends. Brandon didn't looked hurt and Elizabeth sighed inwardly. He shook her hand.

"Well, I have to go." he said, "See you when I see you."

"See you when I see you." Elizabeth smiled and put her hands in her jacket pockets.

Brandon walked away. Elizabeth leaned against a locker and smiled. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad, she thought, but then her eyes wandered around the crowded hallways and were caught on something that jarred her back to reality.

Cole stood at the opposite wall, arms crossed over his chest, staring right at her. And even from across the hallway, Elizabeth could see the anger and hurt in his eyes. It was so intense that it looked like his eyes were on fire. Elizabeth knew what he was feeling because it was exactly what she felt.

She returned his gaze with one of her own and he looked away. Cole suddenly started to walk towards her. Elizabeth panicked, she couldn't talk to him, not now. She stood straight and hastily began to walk towards her class. She had only taken three steps when Cole appeared in front of her and said, "Wait, please."

Elizabeth side stepped him and continued walking.

"Liz!" he yelled, "Please!"

He ran up to her and grabbed her shoulder. She spun around to him, "What?" she hissed.

Cole blinked hard and wheezed, "Liz, I..." he breathed hard, as if he had just run a marathon. "Please,"

"Hey!" she snapped a finger in his face, "Breath!"

Cole sucked in a deep breath, "Liz, I love you."

Once Cole started to breath normally again, her anger flooded her. "Leave me alone." she snapped, "And go see a doctor!"


"If you really love me, then go ahead and tell everybody." she pushed him away and continued to make her way to class.This time Cole didn't follow.

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