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The next day Elizabeth woke up to the sound of someone speaking. She had been asleep in the chair next to Cole's bed. When she opened her eyes she saw a little girl with blond locks of hair and beautiful blue eyes siting on Cole's lap. Matilda.

"She's awake!" Matilda smiled.

Elizabeth rubbed her eyes. Elizabeth smiled, Cole's family was here. He was smiling too. If he was happy, then Elizabeth was too.

"Matilda," Elizabeth said, "Is your mom here too?"

Matilda nodded. Cole smiled at Elizabeth, "You can take a break from me if you want."

"I never need a break from you." Elizabeth squeezed his hand and let go, "I just hate hospitals." she stood up, "I'm just gonna get a drink of water."

She left them laughing to each other. Elizabeth could finally bear the weight of Cole's sickness with someone else. Plus, he seemed to be getting better. At least, that's what the doctor said. Elizabeth was still afraid about his health, like maybe he was getting worse. Like when someone dies of the cold, right before they die they feel a surge of warmth.

She pushed the thought away as she reached the end of the hallway. There was one of those water coolers there and she took one of the plastic cups and watched the water pour. She yawned and pulled the cup away from the faucet. She raised the cup to her lips and suddenly it was taken away from her, someone slipped it out of her fingertips.

Elizabeth looked to her right in surprise and saw Henry, green eyes sparkling and her cup in his hand, "Well, good morning." he smiled and took a sip of water. He looked up at her face as a smile formed on her lips, "What? Never seen a Henry before?"

Elizabeth let out a laugh and pulled Henry into a hug, happy to see him. She didn't think he would be here and she was just so relieved to have her best friend by her side.

"No message." a voice behind her said, "No explanation." Elizabeth smiled, she knew that voice.

"You just don't show up to school and don't say anything." Brandon said, "It's like you disappeared off the face of the earth."

Elizabeth turned to face him. He smiled, "Where in the world is your phone when you need it?"

"I think I left it at home." she said.

"What, I don't get a hug?" Brandon smiled and held his arms out.

Elizabeth smiled and hugged him tight. She was just as happy to see Brandon. It made her feel more comfortable, less afraid with both of them there with her.

"So what exactly happened?" Henry asked.

Elizabeth pulled away from Brandon and explained everything to them, starting from yesterday morning. When she was done, the boys looked worried.

"How is he now?" Brandon asked.

"The doctor said he's getting better, but...I don't know." Elizabeth shrugged and her eyes fell to the ground.

"Hey." Henry lightly placed a hand on her shoulder, "Everything's going to be fine."

Elizabeth smiled weakly.

"So where is he?" Brandon asked, changing the subject.

Elizabeth pointed down the hall and said, "Second to last door on the left. I'll meet you guys there. I'm just going to go to the restrooms."

Henry nodded and Brandon poked her nose, which somehow made her feel a little better. Then they both walked down the hall and Elizabeth headed the other way.

Elizabeth found the restrooms and washed her face with cold water. She pulled her hair into a bun and tried to fix her wrinkled clothes as best she could. Elizabeth walked out thinking she really needed to go home and change when she heard something that made her stop dead in her tracks.

"-Cole doesn't need this right now." She heard a deep voice say.

"You've been here for so long! You were so close and you didn't say anything!" a high pitched voice whispered back harshly.

Elizabeth heard the voices from behind a corner and she leaned in closer to hear. She knew that high voice. It was a woman talking to a man, but who?

"You can't just stay hidden." the high voice sounded like she was pleading, "You have to come back home with us. We need you!"

The man laughed. He said, "You really are a crazy woman." and Elizabeth heard his footsteps slowly fade away down the hallway.

Elizabeth had to know who it was. She quickly rounded the corner and slammed into a woman. Elizabeth backed up a step and looked into the hazel eyes of Cole's mom. She had to be the woman who had been talking. Elizabeth glanced down the hallway, but there was no one in sight.

"Uh, hi." Elizabeth smiled at her, trying to act casual.

Cole's mom nodded at her and pushed past her, she rounded the corner and disappeared from Elizabeth's sight. Elizabeth didn't hesitate. She didn't know why she was being so nosy, she just couldn't help it. Plus, it was her boyfriend's mom talking about something that had to do with him. Elizabeth didn't exactly trust Cole's mom to make decisions for him.

She ran down the hallway and spun around a corner. No one.

Elizabeth tore down another hallway and turned to the left. She stopped dead in the entrance of the hospital. It was useless now. There were a ton of men and woman walking around the place. She would never be able to find out who the man was.

She hopelessly walked back slowly to Cole's room, hands in her pockets as her heart calmed down from the sudden jump into action. She opened the door and stepped inside.

"-better." Dr.Mark looked up at Elizabeth and said, "Ah, Elizabeth. I was just telling Cole how good he's improving. It's a miracle really, his body..."

Elizabeth barely processed the doctor's words because she recognized his voice. The same deep voice of the man who was talking to Cole's mom. The only difference was that Mark was a bit more cheery, but Elizabeth couldn't mistake that voice. It was him.

"Ok?" Mark asked.

Elizabeth nodded absently. Mark smiled and walked out the door, closing it shut. Cole's mom wasn't in the room.

"Man, you know the doc reminds me a lot of you Cole." Brandon said. He was sitting on the chair next to Cole's bed, Matilda on his lap.

Henry, who was leaning on the wall, said, "Ya. You guys have the same eyes."

"Really?" Cole asked.

They nodded.

And that's when it hit Elizabeth. She now knew who doctor Mark reminded her of, actually, who reminded her of the doctor. She had to be sure. She was 99.9% sure, but she had to be positive.

She hoped she was wrong.

"I'll be back." Elizabeth blurted and rushed out of the door, almost tripping, and ran after Mark.


Hello!! :)

I just wanted to say thanks to everybody that's reading and that I hope it's getting interesting!! :)

I also want to dedicate this chapter to @Ourlivesarestories thank you for everything!! She is an awesome writer. Thank you for all the support. Thanks for reading everyone!! You rock!!

Oh ya and I don't know if you can do this but I want like a double dedication. I also want to dedicate this chapter to @snickersneebee thank you for all the comments and support!! Go check out their books they're really good!! :)

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