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It was Friday December 24. The deadline for the history project and Christmas eve. Elizabeth was mentally and physically tired as she walked through the big doors and into the hallways.

That day was horrible. Elizabeth started it out by getting looted from some anonymous person, which she knew must've been Cole or one of his friends and she had to spend the rest of the day without a pencil case or any books. The worst part was when she had to present her history project. Cole never looked at her throughout the whole presentation and he forgot some of the words he had to say. They got a C on it, the lowest grade Elizabeth had gotten the whole year. And after that, she went to lunch in which Cole knocked her tray to the floor and tripped her so that she fell after it. Of course all this was happening because Brandon was absent that day. Henry was there for her, but he never dared to stop Cole from doing anything, he just comforted Elizabeth after the deed was done.

Then, Elizabeth had two Cole free periods in which she had peace in. But in the final period, the teacher wasn't there and a substitute came, but he never even lifted his head up to the students, which gave Cole one whole session to humiliate Elizabeth White, joking about her hair, her being a nerd, and anything else he could think of.

And throughout all of this, Elizabeth didn't say a word against Cole. Standing up to that boy just seemed to cause her trouble, so she hid her head in her hands and tried to block out the laughter of her classmates. Henry was sitting next to her, a hand on her shoulder as he whispered to her that she shouldn't let Cole get to her, he's not worth it, he's just a jerk...

But nothing could stop her tears from falling to the floor and the best she could do was hide them from Cole, who seemed to want nothing now but her destruction.

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