Chapter 1

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 Since I'm on my way to my hometown and will be back on Wed, means next year... I'll update ch.1 today.


       Rumours really flew so fast. After a date with Hanbin yesterday evening after school, Dan Ah heard other students were talking about her ice cream date with Hanbin. Dan Ah rolls her eyes. ‘Going out with popular kids really sucks.’ She said to herself. After all, there's nothing happened between Hanbin and her. They’re just friends. Indeed, her sister is friend with him. She know Hanbin through her annoying sister and that kid is one year younger than her.

“People said that we’re dating each other,” one voice welcome her after she shut her locker door closed. Dan Ah shook her head and smirked before push Hanbin away. ‘After all the rumors, do you think that I’m gonna talking to you. Well, no shit!’ Dan Ah walked away through the hallway, earning student’s attentions especially the girls. Some of them envies her, some of them gossiping bad things about her, but who cares? She doesn’t give a fuck.

“Look, where are you going to go without talking to me?” Dan Ah spun her body to face Hanbin when the latter grasped her wrist.

“Hanbin...” the guy smile at her, showing his perfect teeth alongside with his cute dimples.

“You maybe know my sister, Da Hee, yeah after all she called you by oppa even though you guys are in the same age. I don’t know what’s wrong with that stupid girl, calling you oppa—”

“You can call me oppa if you wanted to,” Hanbin said, still smiling at her. Dan Ah once again roll her eyes.

“Sorry, I’m not interested. Back to what should I say to you just now... I just wanna tell, I hate rumors, even though they aren’t true. Look around us, students are watching and you should know that I hate attention. Well, maybe you like them but I’m not. So, please excuse me,” Dan Ah pulled her hand away from Hanbin’s grasp and walk away.

“You aren’t going to dump me after our first date yesterday,” Hanbin, a guy who never know how to give up, still catching her tracks. Dan Ah smirks at the cute boy. Not to argue the fact, Dan Ah admires his hard work, how he never gave up until he finally make himself and his bunch of friends finally debut as a popular kpop group, iKON.

“Kim Hanbin. You are sweet, handsome and all. But, you’re not my type. The most important thing is... I don’t date a junior. Mianhaeyo~” Dan Ah give her last sweet smile to the boy. But before she start to walk away again, she point her forefinger up. “Ahh, I almost forgot. Don’t follow me again and thanks for the.. Date yesterday?”

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Ice Cream :
S.Coups Café

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