Chapter 9

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*Dan Ah POV*

"Hmm, because of ... Our date?"

'Well, can I say that one of it?' I flat my lips, shaking away of the thought.

"No! I barely know you, so why would I be excited around you," Yes, that's it!

      I excuse myself to go to the toilet when I can't find myself to let go of the thought.

"Seungcheol-ahh," I said his name and he raised his eyebrows. "I want to go to the toilet first," I smile and get up from the chair to go to the ladies.

     "What is so wrong with you, Dann?" I ask myself, looking into the mirror, I wet my hands and splash the cold water onto my face. Wishing that could help me to get rid of the thought of that Seungcheol.

"You just know him today... And like before you thought him as a creepy," I said again, murmuring to myself before turn off the faucet. I pull out the tissue from the scroll box and dab it on my face to dry off the water drops on it.

'Believe me, Dann... That you actually fall in love with him'

"What?" I stop from my action to pull the door when I see my own reflection talking to me through the mirror. Illusion.

'You like him...'

"That's the stupidest thing I did in my whole life then," I smirked to myself and shook my head before heading out to Seungcheol, who's alone at our table.

      "Sorry for making you wait so long,"

"No, it isn't..." Seungcheol smile gently before looking straight behind me, also with his smile.

"Your ice-creams," yesterday's brunette girl come to our table and put down our order.

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— 25.01.17
Ice Cream :
Scoups Café
by Hope_1802

ICE CREAM : S.COUPS CAFE || S.COUPS [✔]Where stories live. Discover now