Chapter 5

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      ‘I hope this will work,’

           Seungcheol looks around him to make sure there’s no one at the alley. After confirming that he’s alone, he quickly fishing out the green sticky note from his backpack’s pocket, he teared the written note and stick it on the locker. Then, he walk casually to the alley’s exit to go to his classroom.

      7.30 a.m.. Dan Ah bid a goodbye to her sister before walking to her locker, as usual to take her notebooks for today’s schedule. She raises one of her eyebrow when she saw something was sticking on her locker. ‘What’s that?’ she asked herself. When she finally standing in front of it, she take the green sticky note and read it quietly.

 When she finally standing in front of it, she take the green sticky note and read it quietly

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“Seriously?” Dan Ah smirked to herself.

“S.Coups Cafe, huh?” she folds that sticky note and put in her locker, taking out all her belongings, she then lock the locker and spun to back facing her locker only to find so-dressed-up Kim Hanbin, smiling widely at her.

“Why are so dressed up?” Dan Ah scoffed, eyeing the guy up and down before stop at his face.

“We’ve a fan sign near the high school today, you’ll come right?” Hanbin once again show his attractive dimples.

“No? Yes? I don’t know?” Dan Ah didn’t give her confirmed answer. Why would she? She didn’t even know about the fan sign. ‘Maybe that’s why Da Hee brought extra clothes with her today.’ She thought to herself.

“Oh, come on, Dan Ah noona~” Hanbin pleaded to her as he tried to make his voice sound cuter when he said ‘noona’.

“Come on, Hanbin. Why should I?” Dan Ah used the same tone as him.

“Because... I’ll introduce you as my girlfriend there,” Hanbin then whispered sexily.

“Aww, that’s so sweet,” Dan Ah plays with his necktie and smirk at him. “Too bad... I don’t want you,” she push him and walk away.

         “You fucked up, bro,” Hanbin rolled his eyes as the others walk to him and laughing.

“Shut up, Bobby,” said Hanbin before adjusting his necktie to the real position.

“Believe me, she will never fall for you. Just give up already,” Junhoe patted his back and shook his head before pulling Jinhwan along with him, walking away to their class.

“Wait for me,” whine the maknae, Chanwoo before separating Junhoe from Jinhwan as he now walk in between of his hyungs.

“Fuck, Chanu, go away!” Jinhwan and Junhoe jinxed and push the young boy behind. Chanwoo then pouted his lips.

“I told you to walk with me, young boy,” Yunhyeong sang and put his arm around Chanwoo’s shoulder.

“Quit it, Yoyo hyung!” Chanwoo push Yunhyeong’s hand away and start walking by his own. Then, Donghyuk come up to walk with Yunhyeong side by side leaving the quarrel Double B behind.

(well who know I’ll put the whole iKON member in this chapter huh? 😉😏 )

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— 10.01.17
Ice Cream :
Scoups Café

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