Chapter 17

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*Da Hee POV*

              "So, how?" I clapped my hand in front of Dan Ah unnie when she's lost in her dream again. She look at me and shrugged her shoulder. I rolled my eyes.

"You knew it right? That sunbae loves you?" Dan Ah crunched her nose.

"Why are you calling him sunbae? Euww,"

"Oh, should I call him oppa then?" I folded my arm into my chest.

"No! No way!" she yelled and I smirks.

"You're so funny, sis," I said.

"Oh what should I do then?!" Dan Ah unnie start to messed her hair as she was frustrated at herself.

"Just confess. Easy."

"Isn't not that easy, Hee-ahh..."

"It is! You're just too ego to admit it. You're lucky he's yours even though this is just a fake relationship," silently glaring at her, I sighed. "I'm jealous of you," I whispered.

"What?" she creased her eyebrows.

"Nothing. I'll go to my room. Think about it, unnie. You don't want to lose someone who loves you the way you are," I smile and walk out from her room.

Descends the stairs, I found mom and dad finally back from outstation.

"Mom! Dad!" I shout happily. They looks up to me and smile brightly.

"Hello, sweetie! How are you?" mom open her arms and I ran to hug her.

"Where's your sister, Hee?" dad asked. I broke the hug and look at him.

"Upstairs. She got problem with her boyfriend," I said calmly. My dad nods his head and walk straight to the stairs. 'Going to see his beloved daughter, huh? Of course, Dan Ah unnie is always people's favourite.' I talk to myself and go outside.

🍦 🍧 🍨

*Seungcheol POV*

               Today I'm walking alone to school again. I didn't go to Dan Ah's house since she haven't call me since yesterday. I just wanna give her space. And somehow I think this should be done. Passing the school gate, Hanbin is the only one I had in my mind. 'I should talk to him.'

Standing in front of iKON's practise room, I look at the closed door and rethink if I make a good choice this time.

"Seungcheol hyung?" I turn my head when a deep voice greet me. The tall guy look at me with his emotionless face and walking closer to where I stand.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"Junhoe-ya, is Hanbin already—"

"Ju-Ne-yaa!" we both turned our head to the owner of voice. A guy with angelic smile running towards him and hug his arm.

"Ohh... Jinan hyung..." the tall guy look at the small guy and blink his eyes several times.

"Oh, Seungcheol-ah, wae... yeogi...?" Jinhwan hyung the tilted his head to the side, still hugging Junhoe's arm. I swear this hyung is cute.

"Aniya, Jinhwan hyung... I just want to meet Hanbin," I told him.

"Hanbinnie?" he pout and raise his left arm to look at his watch. "Hanbin will arrived in like... 5, 4, 3, 2—"

"Guys!!" Hanbin's voice echoed in the air and Jinhwan smile widely at me.

"There he is!" he pointed his forefinger at their leader.


                 "Are you trying to make me jealous or what?" Hanbin shot me his death glare when I told him about me and Dan Ah.

"No! Hanbin... I need you to understand that—"

"Of course I like her. But, what do you mean with me protecting her after you left her? Be grateful that you have her! I don't care even if this is just a fake relationship. Be a man!" Hanbin snapped at me. "Hyung, mian... But, I won't take people's belonging unless they want me to take her away from their 'owners'. Even if you guys broke up, believe me, Dan Ah would never look at me since you said you guys are in this relationship because she wanted to avoid me," Hanbin lick his bottom lip after finishing his lines.

"I know that you loves her too..." he smile at me.

"But, Hanbin..."

"Don't worry. I think she has a feeling for you too. She's just too ego," Hanbin shook his head when he said that.

"How do you know?" I questioned to him.

"I'm friend with Da Hee. Last time she found out that Dan Ah kinda has a feeling for you but doesn't want to admit it due to your guys stupid promises," Hanbin smirk at me.

"She's the most cold person I ever meet. She wouldn't fall in love that easily..."

"Hyung, cold people also fall in love. Look at Junhoe... He's head over heels with Jinhwan hyung's sister," Hanbin smile again. This guy is actually attractive.

"Wait, what? I thought they're—"

"You thought they're a thing right? Hahaha... No, it's not. Their relationship is... Complicated," Hanbin said and look at the them who's busy talking to each others. Seriously, if you guys saw them, you would think they're the one who's in love with each others.

"Jinan hyung is dating Junhoe's older sister and Junhoe's dating his little sister. But people look at them as if they're dating each others. Many people misunderstood it,"

"Of course! Dan Ah told me about them being a thing,"

"Dan Ah is a pabo when come to relationship matter. Anyways, don't worry hyung. We will help you. Himnae," Hanbin pat my shoulder and asked to go first.

"Thanks, Hanbin." I said and he nodded.

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- [21/03/17]
I think this is a shitty chapter ever. My head is blank again. 3 more chapters to the ending ~

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