Chapter 2

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      Seungcheol is busying himself copying his classmate's homework as he forgot to do his last night. After hanging out with Jeonghan and the guys, he went straight to his parents’ café. A new café, opened up last week with the name of S.Coups Cafe. It’s not a typical café that serve coffees or other beverages and cakes or cookies but it’s an Ice Cream Café. Yes, you can only find a menu with full of ice cream there and on rainy days, they will do a special menu.

“Seungcheol-ahh,” he lifted his head to face Joshua who’s standing at the side of his table.

“Wae?” he asked, without lifting up his face from his book.

“Do your parents need part time workers at the café?” Joshua asked him as he grab the nearest chair and sit across of the sharp eyes guy.

“Why? You wanna work there?” Seungcheol lips twitched upward a little. He now look at the latter's face.

“No. I’m just asking because since your parents opened up a new cafe, you rarely spend time with us,” Joshua nodded his head few times as he talk. It’s like he’s enjoying his own imagination’ music in his head.

“Don’t say that you miss me,” Seungcheol let out his laugh. Shaking his head, he look down as he start to scribble the answers again.

“You forgot to do your homework again, didn’t you?”

“Seems like that,” Seungcheol said without looking at his friend.

“I think you should ask your parents to find a few part-time workers if you wanted you old life back,” Joshua speak up again. This time giving up his suggestion. “You’re in the Top 10 students in our batch, you don’t want to be kicked out don’t you?” Joshua said again.

“I don’t know,” Seungcheol said then bite his inner cheek. Thinking of what Joshua had said. ‘What he said are true... This year is my final year.’ his mind start to think.

“Maybe, later...” with that their conversation ended as Joshua walked away to his own seat, leaving his hyung to finish up his work. Err, maybe copying other’s work is the better statement.

🍦 🍧 🍨

       That afternoon, as the curriculum activities were cancelled, Seungcheol and his group of friends, also known as Seventeen walking down the street to visit Seungcheol parent’s Ice Cream Cafe. Better than yesterday, the customers are filling up almost all the tables. Seungcheol can see his mom’s proud smile when they get inside.

“Whoa, this café is famous already,” the guy with small eyes and cute smile are in the state of awe when he look around the interior cafe.

“Thanks to Seungcheol to update his SNS and other media social about the café,” his mom replied back.

“Omma, actually I have something to say,” he said. Now they are in the kitchen, where his parents do all the ingredients to make an unique taste of different ice creams.

“What is it, sweetheart?” his mom ask in sweet tone. Even thought Seungcheol is already 18 years old now, his mom never failed to pamper his son as Seungcheol is the youngest and her another two sons are already has their own family now. (p/s: idk about what S.Coups brothers do, or are they already married, i only know he has 2 older brothers) 

“This is Joshua’s idea. He said that we should find few workers to help us with the business as I couldn’t help you and appa everyday. You know, this year is my final year. I don’t want to get a bad results,” Seungcheol hung down his head.

“Aww, Joshua. Thanks for the idea. And Seungcheol, don’t worry, omma and appa understand you. Indeed we don’t want your grade to fall down too,” Mrs. Choi patted his son’s shoulder lightly.


“Your appa already went to the Print Shop across the café, we thought that’s a good idea too to find some new workers to help us. So, after the flyers are done later, you can help me to pass around the people out there right?” Mrs. Choi smile sweetly.

“Of course I can, omma,” Seungcheol look up to Joshua. The guy held out his thumb up.

“We can help too, omma!” the members said in sync. Yes, they called Seungcheol’s mother by ‘omma’ too.

“Sure, sweethearts. Seungcheol you really have good friends over here,” his mom compliment the guys and Seungcheol roll his eyes.

“Yeah, but sometimes they are annoying as fuck,” said Seungcheol without holding back only to earned a pinch from his mom. ‘Fine, they’re nice.’

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— 05.01.17
Ice Cream :
Scoups Café

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