Chapter 20

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'I wanna be real.'

               Seungcheol change his position in his bed and cover his face with the pillow.

"Arghh!" he sit up and messed with his hair before puffing his cheeks. Thinking hard about his relationship with Dan Ah. He know that his crush finally like him back but it seems so unreal. He couldn't bring himself to believe in it.

"Hmm, I don't want," Dan Ah put her hand on my hand that's still holding her hand but she did let it go. "Because I want it to be real," Dan Ah hold Seungcheol's hand tighter.

"W-What?" Seungcheol look at her. Surprised by her last sentence.

"I said I wanna be real... I like you too, Choi Seungcheol. I don't know how but I really do."

"Dan ah-yaa..."

"I know its surprised you and I don't expect you to say yes but Seungcheol, if you still feel the same, I hope we can continue this relationship with true feelings starting from now on,"

"I got to go."Dan Ah broke their intertwined fingers and quickly went back to her class, maybe.

"Just say yes, hyung." suddenly Hanbin appeared beside him and patted his shoulder.

"Hanbin?" Seungcheol bit his inner cheek. "So this is your plan?" Seungcheol hugged his torso and glare at the younger.

"Hey! At least she said she likes you too now. I'll be glad if she said it to me, though," Hanbin look somewhere else.

"You still have feeling for her?" Hanbin pouted.

"I think... No? I gotta move on you know and I really ship you guys together!" Hanbin laughed. "Just accept her. You wanted this relationship be real too," Hanbin smirked.

"I'll think about it," Seungcheol said before he going away.


*Seungcheol POV*

          One week has passed and during that one week, Dan Ah is always next to me. We didn't talk, it's just she always next to me whenever we're outside from classrooms.

The guys already know too about our 'hanging' relationship and always asking us when will we get into relationship again. They even said they had enough of us playing hard to get but already know our true feelings.

"Yah, stop it will ya?" Joshua come at our table on that morning. Dan Ah look at me and we both give the look to Joshua.

"What?" we both asked.

"Stop playing dumb!" he shout and let out an audible 'tsk' to us.

"I got to go Cheol-ahh... We have a Physics later," I nod at her and she went to the senior building.

"Are you guys already in relationship?" Joshua asked me.

"Anii.." I shook my head. Taking all my things, I left him behind.

"Both are so difficult!" Joshua hissed and walk to the other side of hallway to meet our other friends.


               "Seungcheol hyung.... Pleaseeee..." Mingyu followed me everywhere after the break time, asking for my help to ask her crush out. If that's his crush, why asking me to help?

"Hyungggg...." Mingyu pleaded again.

"Ask the others! I have so many things to handle, Mingyu," I sighs.

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