Chapter 7

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   “Annyeong, Dan Ah-ssi,” Dan Ah turn to her left when someone greet her with awkward smile.

“Annyeong,” Dan Ah form a small smile when she recognized the guy in front of her. “It’s you, again,” the boy bit his bottom lips and look down. He scratch his nape while adjusting his sling bag on his right shoulder.

“Err... Nae,” Seungcheol look up again when he gain his courage to form a smile but his heartbeat still beating so fast, he think the pretty girl in front of him probably can hear it.

“You’re cute. But, why I never see you before?” Dan Ah knitted her eyebrow as she pushed her lips thinking if she ever meet the guy.

‘It’s because you’re just too popular to even notice me,’ Seungcheol answered her in his heart.

“I’m... One of the Seventeen’s guy,” Dan Ah eyes lit up.

“Oh, really?!” Dan Ah smile sweetly before continue. “I only know Jeonghan though, since he’s in the same class as mine. But we never talk once,” Seungcheol just nod his head.

“Err... Dan Ah?”


“Will... W-will you... Umm, going out with me... After school later?” Seungcheol exhale the air before gulping down his saliva to wait for the girl’s answer.

“Today, huh? Umm...” Dan Ah bit her bottom lip, thinking of her schedule for today. “Alright! I’m free this afternoon,” Seungcheol blink his eyes several times before forming his charming wide smile.

“Really?” he asked to confirm.

“Yeah! But... I didn’t catch your name?” she tilted her head. ‘He’s hot yet so cute.’

“Seungcheol. I’m from class 3-A2,” said Seungcheol in excitement.

“Alright, Seungcheol. I’ll meet you at the school gate after school, okay? I’ve to go now,” Dan Ah smiles again before turning her heel to walk to her class, 3-A1.



     Seungcheol quickly get up from his seat, right after Mrs Kim said ‘thank you’ to the class, he sprinted out from the class through the back door.


“Seungcheol?! Choi Seungcheol?!” he ignore when the middle-age teacher called his name. He’s just too excited to go on a date with his dream girl today. He’s being waiting for like... Thousand years.

      “What’s wrong with him?” Joshua shook his head when Jeonghan, his member from the next class get out from Class 3-A1.

“I don’t even know,” Joshua let out his awkward laugh when Jeonghan grab his wrist to go to the locker’s alley.

“Excuse me,” Joshua and Jeonghan break apart when a soft voice greet them. “Sorry, but I need to hurry up,” Jeonghan blink in disbelief when the girl walk passed them.

“Yahh, are you okay?” Joshua jabbed Jeonghan rib lightly.

“I’m not dreaming, right?” Joshua raised his eyebrow.

“What is it about?”

“Is Dan Ah really talk to us with her soft voice and smile at us?” Jeonghan said his words one by one.

“Yeah...” Joshua gulped down. “I just realized that too,” he continue.

“O...kay?” Jeonghan tilted his head before shook it and come back to the real world.

“That was...”

“Weird,” Joshua cut off Jeonghan’s word and nodded his head few times.

      “Pretty!” Hanbin stop Dan Ah when he held out his both hand to Dan Ah’s shoulder.

“Uhh, Hanbin...” Dan Ah rolled her eyes. “What do you want?”

“Why are you so rushing? Where do you wanna go?” Hanbin ask with his smile. Dan Ah didn’t answer.

“Oh, wait! I’m so upset that you didn’t come to our fansign yesterday,” said Hanbin while pouting.

“So?” Dan Ah clicked her tongue. She’s gonna be late.

“So... I wanna you come with me. Ah! How about the cafe you went alone yesterday?” Hanbin is excited by himself when Dan Ah just sigh.

     “Dan Ah unnie! Hanbin oppa!” Dan Ah turn her head to her most beautiful sister at the moment, yeah only that moment, with her big smile.

“Da Hee-ahh!” Da Hee make her face when she saw how her sister reacted. ‘That’s first time.’ She thought.

“Kid, seriously?” Hanbin heaved a sigh. 

“I’m not a kid! Perhaps, I’m older than you!” Da Hee glared at him.

“Then, stop calling me ‘oppa’!” Hanbin said in return.


“Alright, guys. I have to go, enjoy yourself okay? Da Hee, please go on a date with Hanbin, alright? I’m going,” with that Dan Ah escaped from the annoying kids, leaving them bickering over themselves.

      “I’m sorry, I’m late...” said Dan Ah as she stop and inhale the deep air into her lungs.

“It’s okay... You don’t have to run. What if you fell down?” Seungcheol pushed himself from leaning on the wall when Dan Ah is in front of her.

“But, I don’t. Let’s go!” Dan Ah take Seungcheol’s hand in hers and they start walking side by side.

“Isn’t that Dan Ah noona?” Donghyuk pointed his forefinger to the happy couple, exiting from the school with hand in hand.

“Oh my God! That’s really her. Gosh, Hanbin gonna flip the table if he saw this,” Bobby cover his mouth with his hand.

× × ×

— 13.01.17
Ice Cream :
Scoups Café
A/N: last update before going on my little short hiatus. See u guys soon, hope u enjoys !

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