Chapter 3

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Three days later, S.Coups Café already have three full time workers and five part time workers. That make Seungcheol can breathe easily when he can concentrate to his studies again. But, sometimes when he's free, he will visit the cafe and help a little too.

Seungcheol walked out from the library without looking up the way in front until he felt like he had bumped into someone.

"Ouch!" the little birdy whine when her butt meet the hard floor.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Seungcheol bent down to the girl and extend his hand to help the girl up. He expected the girl will take his hand but then he was rejected. The girl pushed his hand away, getting up by herself.

"Next time, watch where you going!" the girl snapped at him in her harsh tone.

"I'm so sorry. Yes, I didn't look up the way, it's my fault, I'm sorry," that's when he lifted his head to face the sulking girl's face. 'Darn it!' Seungcheol cursed in his heart. It's Kim Dan Ah, his crush, his favourite girl.

"What are you looking at? Get out of my way!" Dan Ah pushed him aside and cussed something as she walk in the library. "Creepy!" she said.

It has been 5 minutes and Seungcheol still standing there like a statue. He can't take his eyes off of Dan Ah, who's currently sitting on his previous seat. Dan Ah is pretty but her cold attitude make Seungcheol has to think more than twice to approach his dream girl.

Dan Ah look up from her book when she felt someone's looking at her. She turn her head to the right but everyone's busy with their own work. So, she did the same to her left, she found a cute boy, probably a freshie look down shyly when she caught him looking at her. She knitted her eyebrows together at the sight. 'Kids nowadays are so creepy. Looking at the girls like they want to eat us up.' she said.

Diverting her eyes out of the library glass door, she dropped her jaws open when she saw the guy that bumped onto her still standing next to the door. Like a Statue of Liberty. Kidding. He doesn't raise one of his hand up and he does blinking his eyes. So no, he's far away to different from the Statue of Liberty.

"What the hell?" she muttered under her breathe. "He's sure is creepy," she said and looking down, reading the passage on where she stop.

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- 05.01.17
Ice Cream :
Scoups Café

a/n: I'll try update as much as I can. This story will have a short chapter (below than 1k words)

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