Chapter 15

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*Dan Ah POV*

                We stay silent all the way to the cafe after Seungcheol asked his last question. I clasped my hand together while walking next to him when he push open the door. The bell rang and some of the customers give their attention to us for a second before continue their conversations with their partners.

"Omo, uri adeul! Omma already told you there's no need to come― Oh, who's this?" middle aged ahjumma walk towards us and I wrinkles my forehead because I'm kinda confused with the situation right now.

"Ahh, omma... You don't have to talk like that... The customers will look down at me," Seungcheol pouted and put his hands onto the middle aged ahjumma shoulder and push her lightly to the kitchen.

"Why would they? You're handsome and doing well in school! it's not so wrong to spoiled you like this," I followed them behind and stay quiet.


               I look around the kitchen and realized the facts. That the one whom Seungcheol's called 'omma' is the owner of the cafe. Also, Seungcheol is her son... Means that... Wait, no... That's impossible...

"Dan Ah-ya..." Seungcheol poke my right cheek to wake me up from my short dream. He smile sweetly at me and I curl my lips a bit before doing my usual poker face.

"Hmm, wae?" I asked him. Seungcheol let out his small chuckles.

"This is my mom. Say hi," he said. I look at the middle aged ahjumma who's still standing besides him. I quickly bow my head and put up my smile.

"A-annyeonghaseyo, ommo-nim. Kim Dan Ah imnida," I bowed once again. Seungcheol's omma then smile at me. They look alike so much!

"Annyeong, Dan Ah-ya... Just call me Omma. Seungcheol's friends call me by that too," she smile at me and look at Seungcheol after that.

"Is she your girlfriend?" I gulped when that question comes out from his mom.


"Ne, omma. She's my girlfriend," Seungcheol smiles before look at me in the eyes.

"Aigoo... You are really a grown up man now," Mrs. Choi patted Seungcheol's back and asked him to bring me outside. "Now, bring Dan Ah to wait outside. I'll do a special menu for you guys," she said.

"Ne, omma."

                 Seungcheol look at me for the whole time when we're still waiting for the ice-creams.

"Why?" I asked him silently.

"You don't have anything to ask me?" he return the question. I bit my lower lip and huffed a sigh before shaking my head.

"Mianhae, Dan Ah..." Seungcheol said in low.

"Yah, why are you asking for my apology?" I punch his arm lightly and let out my small laugh.

"If you don't want me as your fake boy―"

"Choi Seungcheol!" I raised my voice and look at him in the eyes. "Can you stop saying nonsense? I just want my ice-cream," I smile at him. Seungcheol blinks his eyes several time and return my smile.

"Omma is sorry for late. Here's the ice-creams,"

"Gomawo, omma," I said in smile and Seungcheol just look at me in disbelief.

"Oh, geurae. Omma need to go back to the kitchen. Enjoys!" Mrs. Choi then disappear behind the kitchen door again. I took a bite and smile for the sweet taste. I look up to see Seungcheol, but he only plays with the spoon in the ice-cream bowl.

"Seungcheol?" I call upon him. He raised his head slowly and blink his eyes.

"Why are you not eating? You suggested this before," I glare at him.

"I just don't really like this flavour. That's all,"

"But, your mom do this herself! How come you―"

"Say ahh~" I was taken aback when Seungcheol point his spoon to me and smile. I pressed my lips together thinking the right decision, before open it slowly. He gladly feed me with his ice-cream and wipe some of the ice-cream on the corner of my lips.


                 "So, it's you?" I look at him on my side. He look at me back and nod his head.

"You like me?" I asked him once again and received the same answer as before.

"Bwoya... You broke the promise..." I said in my low voice.

"I started to like you even before this fake relationship!" he said. Defending himself.

"Ara... You don't have to raised your voice," I roll my eyes.

"Is... This the end?" I let out my laugh when he asked that. I shrug my shoulder and walk ahead of him.

"I'm thinking of that too... But it's only Day 7," I spun my body to face him. "No one ever said they want to be in fake relationship with me except you," I said and smirk. Seungcheol stop from walking so do I. "How could you fall in love with a girl and her bad attitude?" I look at him.

"Why don't you ask that question to your other secret admirer?"

"Easy! They like me because of my face. Are you one of them? Oh, I forgot! They also want to get into my pants. So, which one are you?" I fold my arm onto my chest.



"I don't like you. But, I love you. I love you because you are you. I get it if you don't want to see me again. I'll never talk to you again after this if you want it too," he diverted his eyes to look at the house next to us. "We have arrived. Go in. If you still want to continue this, text me but if you don't want... Just don't do anything," Seuncheol adjusting his sling bag and turn his body from me and walk away. I sighed.

   "Unnie?" I turn my head when I heard Da Hee's voice. I walk to the gate and open it. Da Hee followed me until we're in my room.


"What do you want?" I asked in annoying.

"When are you going to confess to Seungcheol sunbae?" Da Hee sit on my bed and look at me as I dress into my t-shirt and short pant.

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