Chapter 18

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*Dan Ah POV*

            I rubbed my eyes and brushed away my hair on my face. Open my eyes and looking at the ceiling blankly for several minutes, I finally ‘wake up’ and kick my blanket away. Searching for my phone, I screamed when I saw the clock.

“I’m late!!” it’s already 6.45 a.m. What the hell?! Grabbing my towel on the side of my bed I quickly get into my bathroom.

      “Aish jinjja!!” I sighed once again while quickly putting on my uniform and search for my socks.

“Why there’s no one waking up me? Shit, Da Hee! She’s probably already go to school by now!” Nagging alone, I grab my backpack and descends the stair to go to the kitchen. Opening the fridge door, I pull out my water bottle and run to in front.

“Aish, why is Seungcheol didn't text or call me? Where’s this guy! I’m going to kill—” I stop in the middle of my sentences when I remembered back what happened between us. I hissed quietly and heaved a long sigh before standing up after finished tying my shoelaces.

“I’m all alone again,” I said to myself and curl up my force smile.


      “Kim Dan Ah...” Mr. Kang look at me with his unbelievable façade. He look at me and the other students who came late back and forth. “Why are you late?” he asked. I pressed my lips together.

“I forgot to set my alarm,” I murmured under my breathe while looking down to the floor. Oh my God! I know I’m always come late but I never get to school after the first bell rang. I’m so done today!

“Well, doesn’t matter if you’re an excellent student or not, you’re going to get detention for 2 hours after school.” he said strictly. I nodded my head slowly. “You guys too! No one skip detention today, I’m the one who’ll attend today’s detention class,” Mr. Kang said and I can hear the others sighed. The teacher asked us to leave for our first class and he, of course went back to his work. I huffed my long breathe and walking straight to my class.

      “Excuse me,” I knocked the class door and open it slowly. Mrs. Cheon, our Chemistry’s teacher subject and my classmates look at me and then continue the subject when I just ignored them, walking to my place.

“Psst!” I turn my head to my right and make eye contact with Joshua. I blink my eyes and look away but he throw his eraser to me.

“What?” I whisper-yelled at him and rolled my eyes. ‘I wouldn’t be late if your best friend give a morning call today!’

“Why are you late?” he asked with the same tone.

“Not your problem!” I hissed at him and look in front. Pulling out my notes and stationery on the put them on my table. Quickly taking notes from Mrs. Cheon handwritten.

      After our English class ended, which is right after Chemistry class before, it’s finally lunch time. Damn it! Can today just end already?

“Dan Ah-yaa!” I look up to see Suzy in front of me with Lee Na. I raised my eyebrow at them.


“You aren’t going to the cafe?” Suzy asked. I shook my head lazily. Lee Na look at Suzy before looking at me.

“Anyways, why are you late? You never been this late?”

“Right. Why though?” I sighed and look at them annoyingly but don’t really show it.

     Why I’m annoyed? Obviously, I never talk to them. I mean, I do talk to my classmates but not in friendly mode. I don’t know, maybe after the school know I’m dating Seungcheol, they started talking to me. Funny ain’t it?

“I forgot to set my alarm,” I said lazily while looking out the window. That’s the time when I spotted Seungcheol with some of his ‘bandmates’.

“Ohh... I thought maybe you wanna spend time with your boyfriend but seems like you don’t. We’re going first, okay? Bye!” Lee Na wave her hand to me.

“Hmm, bye,” I said in low tone. Why do they care though? What, they like Seungcheol or his friends? Is that why the kids being friendly with me? Still looking outside the window, I pressed my lips together when I saw him talking to his friends. How he rejected to play basketball as the guys asked him and he just sitting there on the bench watching them.

“Why do I only see you now?” I whispered, asking myself the dumb question. Admiring him from afar, I smile to myself when he throw the ball at his friends when the ball is out of the court.

               He cheered when Mingyu scored his first goal and I don’t know if it’s something we called coincidence, he look up and meet my gaze. We made an eye contact for few seconds before I blink and break the eye contact.

           Gazing at my empty class, I pursed out my lower lip until I feel something warm on my cheek. I wiped it away. Tears? Why am I crying? I quickly fan my eyes with my hands. Looking out of the class again, I saw he still looking at me so that’s mean he saw it right? He saw that I wiped away my tear...


             When the others finished packing their things and leave the class, it’s only me and Joshua in the classroom with another two of our classmates. I put my notes and stationery into my bag and zipped it then stand up from my seat.

“Shua~ Shua~” Jeonghan get into the class with his bright smile and Joshua chuckles behind me. “Ppali!” Jeonghan help the latter with his files and look at me.

“Oh, Dan Ah! Seungcheol is— Oh, there he is!” I look out to our front door and met his eyes once again. “You guys going back together, aite?” Jeonghan asked both of us.

“Aniya.” I answered quickly. Jeonghan wrinkles his temple. “I had to go for detention,”

“Oh ya... You’re late this morning,” Jeonghan pressed his lips and Joshua nudge him.

“I’m going first,” I excuse myself and get out from the back door.

       I bite my inner cheek on my way to go to the detention class which is at the second building. So far, its hurting my legs. Well, my fault too.

“Unnie!” i rolled my eyes when I finally meet my annoying sister with Hanbin by her side. “Where are you going?” she asked me with her always bright face. I don’t understand how can she always be happy in whatever situation.

“Detention class,” I said shortly and passed them.

“Wait, what? Are you late this morning?” ‘Yes, of course, duh!’ “Dan Ah unnie!”

“Unnie... Are you mad at me?” she whines when I ignored her and continue my track without stopping or looking back at her and Hanbin, both.

× × ×

— 06.04.17
I'm back! I actually have chap.19 in draft but I'm not gonna pub it since i haven't written chap.20 aka ending cuz i hate cliffhanger and i don't want you guys to read a cliffhanger chapter. Til then 👋
Anyways... #HAPPY MINGYU DAY!!!

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