Chapter 12

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*Seungcheol POV*

             While walking to the accessories shop, I put my arm on her shoulder when I can't accept the fact that the guys are all looking at her. 'I know she's beautiful but she's mine... Well, even though it's fake.'

The walk is silent with both of us only look at the road. I lied. I still steal some glances at her whenever she does not notice me looking. The hold on her shoulder become tight when I saw a group of high school students, of course, they're not from our schools, stop their games when they saw Dan Ah.

'Ahh... It'll make it so hard to confess to her. She's so popular everywhere she go.'

            While I'm busy talking to myself, I feel this soft marshmallow on my right cheek. Wait, what? I turn my head quickly causing the soft 'thing' to touch my lips.

"Dan Ah...." I said quietly when I realized that we're kissing in the public. Well, accidentally kissing.

"The girls are all looking at you and its annoyed me," she shrugged her shoulder and look ahead. I slowly put a smile on my face and act like nothing happened before taking her hand in my own.

"Let's go," I said as cool as I can. She seems surprised but also, she doesn't argue. I look around and I can see the girls still holding their hands on their mouths and 'oohhh' sounds can be heard.


           Hanbin put down his spoon in the ice cream bowl and focus on his phone. His serious facade make Da Hee stop eating her ice cream too. She bite her inner cheek and taps the spoon repeatly against the bowl, making a quiet sound but kinda annoying for Hanbin. He glared at the girl and Da Hee gulped, she pressed her lips together and stop making the sound.

"You...." Da Hee bawled her both hand into fist under the table to find the courage to talk to Hanbin. "'You... You likes Dan Ah unnie... Right?" she look down at the ice cream, the colours mixed and started to melt.

"Non of your concerns," Hanbin said coldly.

"I like you, Hanbin-ah... Of course it's my concerns. Why is every guy in the school like her? Indeed, I know you first..." she still hasn't lift her head to make an eye contact with the lad.

"Because she's pretty."

            Da Hee then lift her head, there... Hanbin could see the tears building up in the girl's eyes.

"Am... Am- Am I not pretty enough?" Da Hee choked on her own saliva as she holding in the tears. She then crack up her soft laughter. "I mean... I'm her sister. I do have the look that she has too. I- I Think... I do look alike unnie a bit though..." her voice cracked when she says the words.

"Da Hee-ahh...." Hanbin started to feel guilty. The girl is precious, but he doesn't feel the same toward her.

"An-aniya... Gwenchana..." Da Hee blinks her eyes and covering her face before put her hand down and curl her soft smile.

"I think I'm just selfish... I know you first and I wanted to be the only girl that you're closed with―"

"Da Hee..."

"I think I misunderstood that as I like you," Da Hee smiles again and the crescent in her eyes shown. Hanbin bite his lips and look around but her.

"We should go home," he said quietly. Shoving his phone inside his pocket and shot up from his seat.

"Majayo... I'm going to be late," Da Hee pick her bag and sling it onto her shoulder before standing up confronting the guy she likes. Hanbin nodded.

"I'll walk you home?"

"Okay..." Da Hee put the string of her hair back and walk near Hanbin. The walk side by side when they left the cafe. Silence conquering the moment between them.

"Mianhae..." Hanbin speak up.

"It's okay... I told you... That's just misunderstanding!" Da Hee laughs again.

"I'll try..." said Hanbin but Da Hee doesn't hear him. She already in her own world, creating her imagination with Hanbin that will never happen.

× × ×

― [02.02.17]

i think if i update faster, i'll finish this on feb right?

Ice Cream :

Scoups Cafe

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