Chapter 19

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             "1 to the right, 2 to the left, 3,4,5— Ahh, Seungcheol hyung!" Hoshi stop the routine and the other members of Seventeen also stopping their tracks. Every of them catch their breathe and look at their cloudy leader's face. Seungcheol look down the floor and slowly drop himself to sit on it.

"Aish, jinjja!" Hoshi rolled his eyes and wipe away the sweats over his face. Dropping his hat on the floor, everyone stay quiet as they see their oldest hyung and team dance leader seems to get into a fight.

"Mianhae," Seungcheol said quietly.

"If you can't do it, then just don't! Everyone is tired now, we keep on repeating the same step over and over!" Hoshi sighed again.

"Can't you guys do the practise without me? I have to go, mian~" Seungcheol get on his feet and look at his other members.

"Right, whatever you say. Since you're the leader," Hoshi look at him with his disappointed smirk.

"Ahh... Soonyoung-ahh," Woozi come over to calm down his best friend.

"I'm tired of this! It's has been weeks!" Hoshi closed his eyes in frustrated. "Hyung... If you have a personal problem jeball... Don't mix it up with our routine. How can we—"

"I know, Hoshi. I know! I'm sorry, I keep on doing the wrong steps, I'm not being me. Mianhae, jinjja mianhae."

"Okay, okay..." Jeonghan step in and look at them both. "Let's us take a break first. I don't think we all can do it without you, Seungcheol. So, I guess, we all deserves some rest too. And Hoshi, I know you're in distress now... Let's just take a rest, okay?" Hoshi slowly nod his head and Woozi hug his shoulder and bring him to the corner.

"You have a problem with Dan Ah, isn't it?" Jeonghan come to their leader and asking him in low tone. Seungcheol licked his lower lip and nodded his head once.

"Why don't you go settle it, in this meantime,"

"I can't." Seungcheol look into his friend's eyes before sighing.

"What's wrong with you guys exactly?" Seungcheol breathe in and look at Jeonghan's face again.

"Nothing serious. We're on break right? Then, I'm going to the café," Seungcheol wanted to excuse himself but Jeonghan held him.

"Are you sure this isn't serious? If it's not, you're probably not like this,"

"I know. I'll settle it myself. Just give me some time to think?" Seungcheol said.

"Okay, then." Seungcheol nodded his head and went out from their practise room.

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*Da Hee POV*

                I look blankly to the notes in front of me as I'm thinking of Dan Ah unnie behaviour lately. It's obvious they're still not in a good term. I bite my lower lips, playing with it.

"Stop biting your lips," I feel something on my lips, stopping me from biting it. I look up to find Hanbin put his thumb on my lips. 'Oh, no wonder it's so soft.' Wait... Hanbin.. thumb?

"Y-Yahh.." I push his hand away from me. Holding myself from blushing in front of him. No, I can't let him know that I'm still having a feeling for him.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked me while narrowing his eyes. 'Stop it, Hanbin.' I clear my throat.

"It's about unnie..." I said slowly. He nodded his head and look down to his own notes. Silent conquering us for minutes.

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