Chapter 4

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      “Umm... Hi,” Dan Ah turn her head, looking over her shoulder when she heard someone just greeted her from behind. ‘The guy from before.’ She licks her dry lower lip as she forgot to apply her lip balm this morning.

“Hi.” she greet back but then walked away. Leaving Seungcheol in confusion.

“Err... K-Kim Dan Ah!” Seungcheol literally yell her name without his knowing. He’s busy to stable his heartbeat so he doesn’t know how his voice sounded when it come out from his mouth.

“Yeah?” Dan Ah give him a question look when she face him. She walked near him and stop exactly 10 inches from him (p/s: don’t ask me how i count it. I just type whatever i wanted)

“Err... Actually, I-I.. I’ve been looking at y-you since the second semester started...” Dan Ah tilt her head, giving him the look of ‘please-continue’. “I-I see... that you re-really like to eat umm ice-cream...” Seungcheol stop and look everywhere but her as he scratch his nape.

“Okay. So?” still in harsh tone just like from the last time, Dan Ah speak up, annoyed by his stuttering thingy. ‘What, is he really a stammer or what?’ Dan Ah remembered their last time speaking. ‘The last time he’s just fine, I think?’


        “Hyung!” Seungcheol’s words was cut off by Seokmin, who’s looking for him. ‘Why is it always Seokmin?? I wonder, why??!’ Seungcheol yelled in his mind.

“Looks like your friend need you more,” Dan Ah formed her small smile and turn her heel to walk away. ‘looking at you since second semester started’ ? That's kinda creepy but he's somewhat cute ?

“What, Seokmin?!” snapped Seungcheol. Annoyed by his sudden appearance everywhere he went. When will he give Seungcheol his freedom?

“Who’s talking to you just now?” Seokmin asked. He really knows nothing, it’s not his fault but why does Seungcheol feel like to kill this boy?

“Just no one,” Seungcheol heave a sigh. Kinda relieved when Seokmin didn’t caught a glance at Dan Ah.

“Is she your girlfriend?” Seungcheol glared at him and Seokmin shut his mouth right away. Nodded in silent and start walking when Seungcheol tried to left him behind.

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Ice Cream :
Scoups Café

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