Chapter 16

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//flashback ― Day 2: When Seungcheol walked her home// still Dan Ah POV

                  We ended up buying the ice-creams at the parlor when Seungcheol suddenly said he needs to do something else after sending me home. So, we just bought and eating while walking to save more time.

                   When arrived in front of my house, Seungcheol, who's in rush, pulled me into his hug and give a quick kiss on my temple before going to his next destination. I stay there for quite a minutes and only walked into the house when Da Hee told me that I looked like a lost cat waiting for a new master to pick me up.

                   Da Hee asked a lot of questions and as always, I'm getting irritated and get into my room. Thinking of what Seungcheol did to me.

Day 3: Seungcheol is nowhere to find

                I was late again the next day because I think so much about Seungcheol doing and forgot to do my homework again. In the end, I stayed up until 3 a.m. just to finish all my works.

                At school, I tried to find Seungcheol but I couldn't see him. I asked his friends and they said that Seungcheol is gone for the debate competition. I creased my eyebrows when they said that. Why he didn't tell me? Is that why he's in rush yesterday? He's going for practise after sending me home?

               That night, at 8 p.m. I sent him a message through KaTalk. I don't know if he's already home or nah but let's try my luck.

C. Seungcheol (Boyfriend)

Are you at home?

Yeah. Why?

Why didn't you tell me you have competition today?

Sorry. I practised til late night. I don't wanna bother you.

I thought you already sleep so that's why. Why though?

I was looking for you the whole day!

Jinjja?! Ah, Mian Dan Ah-yaa...

Jinjja mian~

                 I don't know why... He just said that he's sorry. Why am I so happy? My heart flutters when he quickly apologized. It's look like we're really in real relationship. That night, once again, I fought with my inner self.

Day 4: Our third date

                Unlike yesterday, this morning Seungcheol give me a wake up call. Saying that he'll be waiting outside by 6.45 a.m. I woke up in a good mood and take my bath happily. Couldn't wait to see him after not seeing him for a day. When I dress up in my uniform and look into the mirror, I realized... The person in front of me is not me.

                 I never being so happy like this. Waking up early. Couldn't wait to go to school. Couldn't wait to see his face. Couldn't wait.... To hold his hand. Is this what we called love?

                 6.40 a.m. I'm already at the front door, tying my shoelaces. When I stood up, I could see Seungcheol leaning against the wall in front of our gate. He smiled at me sweetly. I return his smile back. Walking so fast to him that Da Hee had to shout at me when I forgot my water bottle.

                 We walked together and he tell jokes to make me laugh. I don't really laugh since he mostly told me a lame jokes but I'm still happy talking to him. He also teased me about forgetting my water bottle.

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