Chapter 1

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"Hey. Did you ever decide to like make that Shawn Mendes fan account on Twitter?" My best friend, Sam (WildAndFree2021 ) asked at lunch.

She has always been there for me and is the best friend I could ask for. She's really tall with black curly hair which she straightens a lot. She often wears stylish clothes and really well down makeup and always goes to Starbucks with me. (We are both coffee-obsessed)

"Probably once basketball seasons over, we'll have like a two week break before softball season starts," I responded.

"Cool idea. Want to help me help the junior high team?" She looks at me.

Sam  plays basketball with me. She's kind of the all star of the team. We are often called the power duo. She is asked to help the junior high team when we have practice after them. She usually takes me with her ( not that I'm any good)

"Sure, want to come over and do homework after helping with their practice?" I asked in response.

Sam lives three houses down from mine and we often hang out. That's how we became friends.

"Yea, help me with calculus!" She begged.

"Actually you're smart enough to do your own math homework. I have my own. I am in all the advanced classes you are," I told her.

She huffed and then left the cafeteria since lunch was over. I walked to my locker alone and opened it. My Shawn Mendes hoodie fell out. I went to pick it up when Sam grabbed it and took it from me.

"Hey!" I shouted at her. "I love that thing, give it back!"

"I know. And girl you have Shawn Mendes Problem," she pointed to my locker full of Shawn Mendes memorabilia.

"So. What about you and Cameron Dallas?"

"I just like him a lot. I'm not as bad as you have been for the past like 2 years," She stated.

I just grabbed the sweatshirt out of her hands and put it on over my white crop top. I checked my phone for Shawn Mendes updates and then slammed my locker shut.

"Geez!" Sam exclaimed.

I just laughed and then we walked to AP French, French textbooks and binders in hand.

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