Chapter 27

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Shawn helped me walk to the front door and opened the door. As he opened the door, everyone jumped out of their hiding places and yelled surprise. My parents and Shawn had set up a surprise party for my return home. It was so amazing. Everything was perfect for the party. By the time everyone left it had been 6 hours. I was pooped and went to my room. Shawn stayed downstairs talking to Cameron. I had to set up their date for the next day. I texted Sam and told her to be ready by 4 the next day. She was fine with that and it was easy enough.
Shawn came up after the party was cleaned up and laid next to me. He kissed me very carefully and calmly. He kissed me until he fell asleep and was sleeping soundly. I got up and covered him with a blanket and went to the bathroom to get ready to go to bed myself. I got my pajamas on and brushed my teeth. I took the pain medicine I was prescribed by the doctor and then left the bathroom.
     I tiptoes to my bed and slipped beside Shawn and laid there. I couldn't fall asleep no matter how tired I was. I was so nervous sleeping next to Shawn. I didn't want to kick him or hit him in my sleep. I eventually went into my dream land. It took forever. I guess my parents went to bed to as they didn't come into my room to see if I needed anything. Or if Shawn needed anything.
I awoke to a sharp pain in my shoulder. I was laying on my injured shoulder and I had to move it. I just got up carefully and walked to my window. Shawn was still asleep and it took a lot of work to not wake him up as I got up. I looked out my window to see Sam on my brothers' swing set. She was on her phone.
Can I come in? Was the text I then got from her. I told her to come in downstairs quietly and that I would meet her there. It was 8:17 am and my parents left me a text saying they left to go get breakfast for all of us.
"I'm so worried about this 'date' your setting me up on," she confessed as she sat on my couch taking off her jacket.
      "You're going to be fine," I told her, with confidence.
       "What should I wear?" She looked as me.
        "Uhm, clothes I hope," I joked and as I laughed pain shot through my shoulder causing me to wince.
        "What kind of clothes?" She whined as she ignored my wince, thank god. I'd never seen Sam so nervous.
        "Nice clothes," that was all I was going to tell her. She or Cameron didn't know where they were meeting. Shawn was supposed to pick up Cam and I take Sam. They were going to go eat dinner at a nice restaurant in town and then they could go places after that if they worked out.
      She left after she realised I was of no help. My family got home before Shawn got up and I went up to wake him up. He was up as I walked up to him.

    "Hey beautiful," he cooed as I walked over to him

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    "Hey beautiful," he cooed as I walked over to him.
      "When's Cam and Sam's date?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.
    "We are picking them up at 3," I responded.
    "Got it."
     He got up and went downstairs with me and greeted my family as if nothing bad had happened. My family grabbed donuts and muffins for breakfast. Shawn went right in for the chocolate chip muffins. 😏. I also grabbed a muffin and sat at the island, next to my brother and Shawn. About three bites into breakfast, my parents told us they wanted to talk to all of us about what has recently happened.
     "The shooter was caught on scene," my dad started.
      "You're going to be ok," my mom continued for him. "I know it was a rough time for all of us, you guys don't go back to school until January 7th but you don't have to go back then.
Actually, we would prefer you didn't."
        "Yup!" Braden cheered.
         "Alyssa you can't go back at least until your shoulder heals, which will be quite a while so you will be homeschooled here," my mom looked at me. "Also, while Shawn stays around, he's going to stay with us. "
      "Ok," I nodded.
      "Good," My parents said in unison and we all ate in peace the rest of breakfast.  Later that day, Sam came over to get ready. She looked perfect. Shawn texted me that he had Cam ready and they were leaving. I went and asked my mom if she could drive us to the disclosed location and she could, since I wasn't allowed. Sam and Cam met and went on their date. 

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