Chapter 47

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Waking up, my mind foggy, I saw my mom and the rest of my family around me with Shawn.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked, but I couldn't tell who.

¨Yeah, I'm fine,¨ I responded, my head throbbing.

I tried sitting up before I was overcome by a dizzy spell and laid back down. I felt a pair of cold hands on my neck and back sitting my up for me. I attempted to turn around to see who it was but only got a quick glimpse. Shawn.

¨Hey, get back on that chair now!¨ I shouted at him, as loud as I could without causing my head to send pain all over.

"Yo, I'm fine," he shot at me.

"Okay," I murmured falling back into his arms look at my mom for confirmation. She nodded and I felt taken care of. I was in the arms of my idol, the love of my life, my Shawn, my Muffin Man. The feeling that swept through me as he hugged me closer is almost inexplainable. The warmth and the butterflies. He was mine. It all just kicked in. The fogginess of my mind didn't seem to help me try to understand what I was feeling.

"Baby girl," Shawn whispered in my ear. It was the first time he called me that, and I liked it. Not liked it, I loved it.

"Huh?" I said as I nodded.

"Let's go get you checked for a concussion then go home." He helped me stand up and walk into the hospital. That task was very difficult but I got there. After being checked out, I had a concussion and I had to take the next two weeks very easy. Shawn agreed that he also still had to do the same. We would be together everyday for the next two weeks, he promised.

On the car ride home, I tried to explain what happened the best I could remember. During the story, Shawn got all anger and almost flipped out. He told me he was going to do something about it in the future and told me not to worry about it. The rest of the car ride home I laid down on Shawn and dozed off until we got home.

So, how was the update?
Please comment your be much appreciated.
This was a filler chapter that was boring I know! Anyways, these chapters are really short.
I'm terrible at updating fast.
What's Shawn going to do?

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