Chapter 2

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French drew on all period. I sit by this guy named Devan, he can't speak French. I have no idea why he's in AP French but he is. He tries so hard though. We often work with partners and I always help him. An hour long class like that can feel like 4.

"Sup?" Sam slammed into my shoulder going out the door of the French room.

"Uhm. You were just in class with me," I groaned.

I was so done with the day already. Only 2 more classes. I wanted to go home.

"Yo,calm it. Devan can't be that bad," She tried to calm me down.

"Yea, no," I confirmed.

     "Wanna go practice in the gym? We are allowed," Sam asked, knowing it would help calm me down.

We are allowed to leave class to go to the gym if it's empty. We meet the coach, since he is also the gym teacher. He emails the teacher and office and we can practice since we are close to championships.

We took the long way to the gym, stopping every couple steps to look at our phones. We both check to see if our celebrity crushes post anything on their social media. Then, we would stop to check Wattpad.

We finally got there, we went in and the coach saw us. He lit up and said in a really loud tone, "I figured I see you guys today."

"Yup," we replied in unison.

He told us we had the court for the rest of the day and went to email our teachers. I didn't know why he let us do this, or why our teachers did, but it was fine by us.

We grabbed two basketballs and started with form shooting. We kept doing well so we moved on to full court lay ups...they were kind of hard to do with two people but we managed.

"Hey! Want to take a break?" Sam asked breathlessly.

"Not really, but whatever," I shouted across the court.


We sat on the ground and grabbed our phones. We both had the same phone with different cases. We often mixed them up. We actually grabbed each other's. We had about 10 minutes until school ended. We didn't notice.

"Do we have to help the junior high?" I asked Sam right before we got off our phones.

"No, they don't even know we're coming,"Sam informed me.

"Then, let's not go," I told her with determination to not go.

"A'ight," She agreed.

We sat there for the last three minutes until the end of the day bell rang.

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