Chapter 32

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    I was getting ready to head over to Sam's when I got a call from Shawn saying he was going with Cameron. I told him that I would be at Sam's and depending on what she told me about the date, we could all hang out.
    "Good idea."
     "Okay, hopefully see you later."
     "Love you. Bye I'm pulling into the hotel right now."
      "Ok. Love you too. Bye."
      I had in my Shawn Mendes sweatshirt and a pair of leggings with Converse. I went to my mom and told her where I was going and walked to Sam's. The walk to Sam's was about 2-5 minutes depending on how fast you walked. Although she was three houses down, the houses in our neighbourhood were very spread apart and she was around the corner. Her house was a pretty log cabin with lots of windows. It didn't look like it belonged in our neighbourhood but it was absolutely beautiful and I loved to be in it.

   Her mom let me in a few seconds after I knocked and smiled at me

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   Her mom let me in a few seconds after I knocked and smiled at me. I was at Sam's house as much as she was at mine. We barely lived in our own homes. Over the break though, Sam was at my house the whole time.
   "Hey Bickle," Sam called from her bedroom when her mom yelled at her I was there. "She texted me this morning!" She then yelled at her mom.
    "Oh. Okay!" Her mom responded, smiling at me. "Why does she always leave me out of these things?"
    "Don't feel bad. She lets me out of things too," I laughed.
    "Bickle! Stop chatting with my mother and get your butt back here!"
    "Ok. Bye," I waved to her mom as I walked to Sam's bedroom. Her bedroom was always neat for the most part, she always had a little clutter but it didn't look like a mess. Her room was basically greyscale, a really pretty grey and and had white trim. It also had pretty wooden floors. I loved her bedroom.

    "So, how was the date?" I asked after I sat down on her bed beside her on her laptop watching Netflix

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"So, how was the date?" I asked after I sat down on her bed beside her on her laptop watching Netflix.
"Ok," she said looking down at her laptop
"Ok. It was really good. I may or may not be in a relationship with him."
"What???" I like flipped.
"Can I like have details?" I pried.
"Yea." Her face was glowing with a big smile. I knew it would have gone well. I was right.
"So he was really nice while we ate and he really didn't talk about himself. He was a really good listener and seemed to genuinely care. Then, as we were leaving, he was getting his phone out of his pocket and it fell. We both bent down to pick it up and it ended with a kiss."
"Really?" I was so excited. I knew it was going to work. I squealed. Like teenage girl stereotypical squeal. I was so happy for her. And she was happy herself. I don't think I've ever seen her smile so wide and long.
"It was amazing. He then asked me if I would date him before Shawn picked us up and of course I said yes and that night we texted all night," she gushed. Her eyes looked at mine and they looked so happy.
"That is the most amazing story I have ever heard," I told her.
"Uhm, have you heard your story?" She pointed at me.
    "Don't want to compare."
     She burst out laughing and asked me what I wanted to do. I remembered what Shawn and I had thought and told Sam. She was so up for it. She hadn't seen Cam since their date and couldn't wait to see him. I called Shawn and within 10 minutes we were on the road to the hotel Cam was staying in.

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