Cameron's POV

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This is Cameron's POV of the date with Sam.
    I knew that this date has to be good if a girl set it up for me. Not being stereotypical though. I put on my usual Cameron outfit and headed to meet Shawn outside.

I can say it was the very first I was nervous for a date

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I can say it was the very first I was nervous for a date.
    "Do you know who I'm going on a date with?"I pried as we were driving.
      "Yes. Now I'm not going to tell you, you're going to go to that date and dazzle her, ok?"
     "Yes sir." And we both started laughing.
      It was about 15 minutes until we got to the restaurant. It was quite fancy but not too fancy, if you know what I mean. I sat in the front seat of Shawn's car and stared out the window. He broke my concentration with,
"You're going to pay for dinner. You're not going to be arrogant, you're going to be nice."
He was only saying this because of the one date I went on the girl was a a psycho. She went on a Twitter rant after our date and Shawn flipped on me once he read it.
"I know," I said in a dead tone, still looking out the window.
Shawn was on his phone and looked up to tell me that my date was coming and parking right beside us. I whipped around and saw a blue Alantra pulling up beside us. It was Alyssa in the back with a girl-my date? And I'm guessing her mom driving them. I saw Alyssa talking to my date and then point at the car door. Her cue to leave? She got out and walked towards the front of the cars, the closer she became to more beautiful she was.
She was tall but not to tall. She had the darkest black hair that fit perfectly on her head and fell way past her shoulders. She was wearing a nice pair of skinny jeans with a shirt and a pair of boots. The outfit really showed her figure. If you know what I mean? 😏😏.
I got out of Shawn's car and walked to her. She didn't freak out once she saw she was set up on a date with me. I saw her blush for the smallest millisecond but that was the most of it. I offered to take her jacket once we got inside and our date started. I wanted to actually make a good impression on this beautiful girl. I started with some small talk.
"I'm Cameron. I know Shawn," I told her.
"Sam, and Alyssa and I have been best friends since we were 4. We live like 4 houses done from each other," she explained with a smile on her face which lit up her green eyes as she talked. Their friendship must have meant a lot to her.
        "That's amazing. Shawn and I met at Magcon. So, do you know what you're going to get?" I awkwardly asked while pointing at the menu in her hands.
         "Yea. I think I'm going to get the pasta with a salad," she answered as if there was no awkwardness between the two of us. She was perfect.
          "Nice. So, do you okay any sports or do any activities?" I often use so as a nervous habit and it was coming out. And it made me look as if I was bored and didn't know what to say.
       "I play basketball and softball with Alyssa."
        "That's cool. Are you guys really close?" I asked, hoping she didn't think I was passing a line.
         "Yup. I kind of helped her get hooked up with Shawn."
        "Well, from what I could tell they did the hooking up themselves." And I told her the story I'm pretty sure Alyssa already told her about me walking in on them. She burst out in the cutest laugh ever and said that it surprised her to see Alyssa that way.
        "It was hilarious and the look on her face," I chuckled.
         "I really wish I could have seen it."
        The waiter came over during the middle of the story and took our order which kind of was funny as I was like,
       "They were going hard."
        The waiter gave my this really weird look and took our orders. He told us that it would be a few minutes because the plane was busy and I told him that was fine. The more time I spent with Sam the better. I continued the story once he left and then our food came by the time we were both done laughing.
        "Are you on the road a lot?" Sam asked after chewing the bite of salad she had just eaten.
        "Not really. We are filming Chasing Cameron a lot so I just stay pretty close to the set as much as possible." I explained.
        "That must get kind of boring then," she responded to my answer.
       "It does," I confessed. I felt that I could tell her anything, just like Shawn said he could Alyssa. Did we have the connection they had? I hoped so. The rest of dinner went smoothly. We compared stories about Alyssa and Shawn and about ourselves. Dinner seemed to go by really quickly and I didn't know what to do afterwards. Shawn said to do something if it went well and then call him to pick them up.
       "Is there anything you want to do?"I asked her as we exited the restaurant.
        "Not really," she frowned, knowing that she didn't help me. "I mean we could go do things but I just don't have any ideas. " which caused us both to laugh.
       "Ok," I looked at her and wanted to kiss her. Her lips looked so tempting right there in the lobby of the restaurant. I had to look away or I would have kissed her right there.
      "Why don't we just walk around?" She suggested as once we were in a city.
     "That works, I have to text Shawn where we are going so he can pick us up."I told her grabbing my phone out of my pants pocket. Which fell out as we were on the sidewalk. Sam and I both bent down to pick it up. As I had hold of my phone and we stood up, I kissed her. I couldn't help myself. She was surprised by the fact but kissed back. It was a quick kiss. Since people were around.

    After I pulled back away from her lips, she looked surprised

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    After I pulled back away from her lips, she looked surprised. But I guess who wouldn't? I just kissed this beautiful girl I met tonight. I'm as bad as Shawn. We held hands and walked down the street, after I texted Shawn to meet us at the end of the street. It was about a 10 minute walk and I treasured every minute of it. Right before Shawn pulled up, I asked her if she would go out with me and she said she would. I was dating the most gorgeous girl on the planet. I was so happy, I couldn't stop smiling and opened her door into Shawn's car.
     That was the best date ever. Shawn asked us how it was and we both said good at the same time and he smiled seeing us smile. We dropped Sam at her house and I told Shawn everything.
     "Way to go man!" He congratulated me. "I can't wait to hear what Alyssa's going to say?"
      Shawn drove me to the hotel I was staying in and told me to text Sam, who gave me her number in the car. I was so happy. I did what I was told and talked to Sam the rest of the night. It was the best night ever-unless I had her in my arms that would be even better.

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