Chapter 34

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     We took two cars to the amusement park. Even though it was winter, this amusement park was open year round. It was Shawn, Hayes and I in Shawn's car and Cash (Nash and Cam)and Sam in the other. Poor Sam.
     The ride was about 45 minutes to get there. I got to know Hayes a lot and realised he was even funnier in person than in his Vines. Shawn drove and I sat in the back with Hayes. Shawn would join our conversations at the wrong time and make us burst out laughing.
     We got to the amusement park 15 minutes  before Sam and then so we sat in the car and played Never Have I Ever. We stopped once it got to inappropriate. Hayes being 16 had done more than both me and Shawn combined probably. Eventually Sam and Cash pulled up next to us. Sam bribed them into stopping at Starbucks before they came here. Lucky.
     "Hey, I got you one too," she handed me a cup.
    "Thank you!"
     "No problem."
     We all walked in and I remembered we were near Eva's house so I decided to call her to see if she wanted to come. Long story short she was going to come. I decided she would have fun with Nash so just Hayes would be alone. Then I felt bad. I didn't have anyone for Hayes. Plus he was 16 and I was friends with very few 16 and under.
     I had told everyone to go and I would wait for Eva who live ten minutes away. I had my phone and I would catch up to them later. Eva came 15 minutes later and we walked into the park to meet the others. I didn't bring a jacket and I was freezing. Eva and Sam were smart enough to bring jackets but I wasn't. We got to the group after about five minutes of looking and I asked Shawn if he had an extra jacket in the car. No.
    "You want mine?" He asked after he said no.
     "No. Than you'll freeze," I shook my head. Even though I said no he took his Obey sweatshirt off and handed it to me.
     "I said no."
      "Just put it on," he commanded and I listened.

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   It was so warm and it smelt like him. Why did I not want it? But he was gonna freeze as well.
    "What about you?" I asked after I put it on.
    "Uhm. It's not that cold, well to me anyways."
     "Then, why am I freezing?"
     "Because you're so tiny," he laughed and hugged me. The rest of the group was laughing behind us.
     "Dude," Nash started. "How'd you do that?"
     "Do what?" Shawn turned to Nash.
     "Get a girl to listen to you is what."
     "Because I found the perfect girl," he turned and winked at me.
    I melted. We had been together for about 3 weeks and I still blushed every time he looked at me and it wan even worse when he touched me.
    "Hey, what do you want to do?" I heard Cameron ask Sam who was right beside him. I guess they were gonna set off without us. I didn't wait for Sam's response and looked at Eva who was already talking to Nash. Nash had the same sense of humour as Eva so I knew they would get along. 

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