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After school on Monday James, Echo, and I all walk to a park near Echo and my neighborhood. We lie on the grass, Echo a little closer to me than James is. We haven't told James anything, though I'm not sure if there really is anything to tell. Sure, Echo and I have kissed multiple times since the party. And sure, we hold hands on a regular basis when James isn't around. But, I mean, does that really mean anything?

"I have to tell you guys something," James sits up, looking down at the blades of grass between his fingers.

"Hmm," I hum as Echo starts to absent mindedly play with my hair.

"I- we," he stutters, rubbing his neck. I sit up and face him, intrigued now.

"What?" I ask.

He chuckles nervously. "I'm moving on Friday." He says it, just like that. I feel my heart drop. My best friend, I thought we would've had a little more time.

"Well," I sigh, trying to maintain my composure. "I guess we'll just have to throw your going away party a little sooner." He smiles and looks down.

"Guess so. God, I'm gonna miss you guys."

"We'll miss you too, man." Echo had since then dropped my hair, turning his full attention to James.

"Yeah," is all I say.


That night I Skype Echo. I swivel around my room, digging through my colored pencils, Echo rambling through my earbuds. He brings up James' party. I just vaguely listen as he talks about the details of the event. Something about buying sparklers, seems like a good idea to me.

"Luce?" He says suddenly in a singsong voice.

"Huh?" I look up at my phone, propped up against some books on my desk. He chuckles at me. "What?" I ask, my voice raising an octive, the way it does when I get defensive.

"Are you even paying attention to me? You have black stuff on your forehead." He laughs again as I look at myself in the tiny window in the corner of my screen. I rub at the black smudge on my forehead with no advail.

"Whatever," I mutter. I flop down on my stomach on my bed, giving my full attention to Echo now so he won't complain. I had picked out a black duvet to cover my bed the other night that Patrick had since helped me put on. I run my fingers over the soft fabric as I watch Echo lean back in his desk chair, stretching one hand behind his head.

"So," he starts. I stare at him, looking at his face rather than the camera. He's not wearing a shirt, his muscular upper body exposed, its kind of distracting at the moment.

"Are we gonna tell James?" He asks out of the blue. It takes a moment to register what he's talking about, and even then I'm not so sure how to answer.

"What exactly are we going to tell him?" I'm still not sure how Echo would define us, I mean I'd be happy with just being friends who casually make out, but if he wants something more I'm not necessarily opposed.

"I dunno." He shrugs as his eyes wander over the screen. "That we're kinda, maybe, a little bit, a thing...?" He bites his lip and looks up at the camera again so that our eyes meet.

I chuckle. "That's kind of a mouthful." His eyes squint as he laughs. I find my heart fluttering at the sound and the sight of him like that.

"Yeah, but it's all I got, unless you have a better idea." He shrugs again and sets me up on his desk as he moves to tap on his laptop.

"How 'bout just 'a thing'?" He smiles and looks back down at me.

"Ok. So I say we wait to tell James at his party."

"Ok." I grin, he really likes me enough to want to tell people about whatever we are. I've never had a boyfriend before. The last time I even had a crush on someone was in the fourth grade, and that only lasted about a week.

"Ok." He stares at me through the screen. I blush, feeling nervous about the amount of attention he's focusing on me.

"Ok." I say, finding myself at a loss of words, only able to repeat the same word again.

"Maybe ok will be our always." He grins as I brust into laughter. I roll onto my back, holding my phone off to the side to where he can only see my profile, mostly covered by loose strands of hair falling out of my tied up pony tail.

"You're such a nerd." I say when I finally calm down. I hold my phone above my head as he grins on the other side of the call.

"I'm your nerd, bunny." His grin widens at the nick name he gave me what seems like years ago. I groan and cover my face with my arm.

"No." I tell him bluntly. He just laughs.

"Move your arm, I wanna see your face." I blush and keep my face covered so he won't see it.

"Are we going to have James' party at his house?" I change the subject so he can't make me blush again.

"Uh, yeah." He goes to his laptop again and types something. "I'm DMing him on Instagram right now." I nod and finally uncover my face. He smiles down at me.

"He's leaving on Saturday, right?" He nods as I move onto my side, leaning on my elbow, yawning a little as I do so.

"Tired?" He chuckles a little. I shake my head, closing eyes. "Yeah, you are," he insists.

Though I shake my head I feel my eyelids getting heavy. I tap at my phone screen to see that it's nearly midnight. I guess I should go to bed, I do have school tomorrow. I like talking with Echo though.

"I don't want to hang up." I murrur, burying my head into my bed. I head Echo chuckle.

"Go to bed, I'll hang up when you're asleep." I smile up at him.

"Ok." I say, but still just curl into myself on the bed.

"Go to bed." He gives me a look as I groan.

"Fine." I say as I get up and set him face up on my bed. Then I strip off my jeans and pull on a pair of pajama shorts. I click off my light and plug in my phone, propping it up on my night stand so I can still see Echo. He smiles at me.

"Night Luce."

"Night." I pull my covers over my shoulder and slowly drift off.

Otp? Maybe...

Also I really shouldn't make promises I can't keep. Updates will be somewhat regular but probably not everyday all the time.

Party next part, get ready for some draaaaammmmaaaaa

K, bye.

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