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I'm awake far before the sun rises, and by that I mean it's almost six and my phone is relentlessly ringing with the familiar sound of a Skype call ringing in. I groan, glaring at my window adorned with white curtains that hang limply slightly pulled back to show a crack of the outside world through my window. I sqeeze my eyes shut, yanking my blanket over my head as I fumble blindly for my phone. Eventually I curl my fingers around it, looking at the screen for only a moment before accepting the call from Echo.

"It's like six, what do you want?" I groan. There's a groggy voice in the background as a childish giggle rings out my speakers.

"Annie, what are you doing with my phone?" The groggy voice speaks up again and I recognize it as Echo. I force myself to squint at the screen now, my curiosity winning out over my discomfort.

"Echo?" I ask in a pathetically whiney voice.

"Hey, Lucy." He sighs and sits down. I blink, my eyes getting used to the bright light in my dark room. "Sorry, my cousin decided taking my phone would just be hilarious." He rolls his eyes, rubbing them with his hand. I laugh lightly, as much as I can handle this early.

"Why the hell are you up so early?"  I move to sit cross legged on my bed, my phone propped against my pillows as he groans.

"Three year olds and Christmas mornings don't tend to work with a good night's sleep." He shakes his head, tapping the screen- presumably to check the time. "Merry Christmas, baby." His voice takes on a gentle tone. He smiles slightly, running his hand through his messy hair.

"Merry Christmas." I smile back at him.

He opens his mouth to say something else, but is cut off by a small girl who launches herself into his lap. "Eathen!" She exclaims though it sounds more like Efen with her underdeveloped speaking abilities.

"Hi, Annie." He says, looking extremely exhausted. "I'll call you later, goodbye Lucy."

"Bye, Echo." I giggle at him as I watch Annie tug at his earlobes while he rolls his eyes and hangs up the call.

I sigh loudly, setting my phone aside. I still feel tired, but I know I'm too far from sleep to fall back into it. I wipe my hand down my face as I force myself out of bed towards my dresser that happens to have a large mirror displayed above it. I make a face at my disheveled appearance. My hair is pulled into a messy bun and my shirt hangs over my shoulder from being ill-sized. I yank it over my head, finding a sports bra to put on over my flannel pajama pants and find a probably dirty hoodie that I'm sure is Echo's to zip up over my front. I don't bother taking out my hair for now, just tucking a few stray baby hairs behind my ears.

I decide to brave the world outside my dark bedroom at that point. I pad down the stairs, careful to remain quiet past Sage and Cameron's room. I'm surprised to already see my new aunt in the kitchen downstairs. She doesn't seem to notice me at first as she hunches over her mug that steams with what looks like tea.

"Morning." I offer, she looks up and flashes me a smile that looks weak. "Everything alright?" I ask as I pick a mug of my own from the cupboard and start up a cup of coffee from the single cup maker thing Pete insisted was a worthy purchase.

"Oh, I'm ok dear. The baby just tends to kick more often in the morning." She shakes her head, "Sometimes I swear there's two of them." She chuckles and I echo the sound. "Did you sleep well?" She asks.

"As well I could with my boyfriend's cousin waking me up at six in the morning." I shake my head, watching the brown coffee finally sputter out into my cup.

"Patrick told me you had a boyfriend, but we never did get around to talking about him last night did we?"

"Guess not." I say blushing at bit as I start to pour way too much creamer into my caffeine for the day.

"So...?" She smiles at me. I look at her wide eyed, wondering what she'll say next. "What's he like?" She asks and I feel my nerves start to relax as I lean against the opposite side of the counter.

"Uh, he's nice."

"What! That's all I get? Come on, tell me the good stuff." She presses her hands to the counter, seeming genuinely interested in my relationship.

I laugh lightly. "Well, I mean he's funny and sweet and a little clingly- but in a good way." She hums as I talk, like she knows exactly what I'm talking about.

"You've got the look, Patrick had it when he first started dating Pete."

"What do you mean?" I ask, happy to hear more about Pete and Patrick when they were kids.

"You love this boy?" I shrug.

"Well, I uh, don't know yet." She shakes her head.

"I can see it in your eyes dear, this boy must be special to get that look." She smiles softly and pats her hand over mine.

"I guess..." I trail off as I hear someone else come downstairs. He peeks into the kitchen, smiling like the dork he is.

"I'm not interrupting am I?" He asks, slowing padding across the tile in his slippers.

"Nah, just appreciating having another girl in the house for once." Patrick rolls his eyes at his sister.

"We're not that bad. Are we Lucy?" He asks, pulling the bag of unfrosted cookies off the counter. "Wait..." I giggle quietly, looking at Sage who smiles at me.

"You're bad." She says quietly.

"Lucy..." he trails off looking back at me with a half empty bag of cookies. "Dang it, I knew I shouldn't have left you and Pete alone last night." He shakes his head, Sage laughing along with me.

"I like this one, Pattycakes. You picked well." Sage smiles at me.

Ok so it's been a little stale in action recently but I'm hoping the next part will have the drama I've been planning for a while. I was going to put it in this part but I wanted to give Lucy a cute relationship with her aunt... Sue me.
But like don't because I'm like saving for concert tickets.

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