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The night is spent finalizing my packing. I had brought a pair of sweatpants over to sleep in so I didn't hsve to worry about anymore dirty clothes from me. Of course there were plenty of comments about me, I had just tried to keep my head down and ignore them. When I went through Allie and my's wardrobe one last time I noticed something odd. The locket I had shoved in the back was now dangling out of Allie's little wooden box she kept braclets in. I peeked inside a little and sure enough, there it was. All crumpled and tangled, but there. She must've found it and wanted to give it to another girl. Maybe Emily. The thought made me sick so I quickly shut the box and climbed into bed.

I dressed quickly the next moring. It was fairly warm so I opted for a knee length skirt and cropped sweater. I pulled my olive bomber jacket over my shoulders and zipped it halfway up the maroon sweater. I got some looks, but tried to ignore them as I shoved the last of my things into the suitcase. I set it on my bed before haeading downstairs. I have about ten minutes to kill so I head to the kitchen and find a smushed box of granola bars. This is the last time I'll eat here, maybe I should be more emotional. I'm kind of numb this morning though. Like words are barely penatrating my skull. 

I sit in the armchair in the foyer instead of the dining room. I really wasn't in the mood to socialize- not that anyone particularly wanted to talk to me. I just slumped down in my chair, backpack at my feet. I had kind of zoned out, so when someone tapped my shoulder I jumped. 

"Good morning, Lucy." I looked up from my bad posture at Ms. Newbury. Oh god, why me? Why today?

"Good morning." I said in a quiet voice. The brusies from her hadn't quite healed yet. They weren't visible but if I moved wrong I could feel them.

"So, today is the day." I nodded, taking note of her words. She always did over-pronounce things. "Well, we all wish you the best in life."

"Thank you." I give a fake smile and she seems content. Jenny appears behind her.

"Time to go!" She calls. I hear the girls grumbling in the other room as they collect their things. Jenny comes over to me as I'm slinging my bag over my shoulder, wincing a little. "You look nice today." I smile a genuine smile this time.

"Thanks, Jenny." She smiles back as the girls start to filter in the room.

"Have a good day."

"You too. See ya." I wave a little as I turn towards the door.

The walk to the bus stop is just more of the same, well for me at least. I walk far behind everyone. Tuning out their chatter. It's just static anyways. I stare down at my feet, clad in new shiny sneakers. Strands of my hair drop to cover my face. I'm just fine with that,  I like the comfort of a dark curtain covering my face.

When we finally board the bus I am beyond grateful. I sit in the back, where I usually do. Some of Echo and James' friends give me friendly hellos, to which I just nod. We don't usually exchange much more than that anyway. Seeing them though, has risen a new pot of anxiety.  I'm taken back to that porch and that cold bite in the air, despite the heaters in the bus.

What did that kiss even mean? Does he like me, like in that way? Sure, Echo is attractive. Tall, dark hair, bright blue eyes that always widen and shine when he's excited, and his smile, all toothy and wide. I couldn't ever get tired of making him laugh and smile- ok, fine; Maybe he's very attractive. And fun. And addicting to be around.

But, I mean the kiss though. Was it like a friendly 'bye-bye, see ya later' kiss or a 'hey, I'm attractive, you are too, let's suck faces' kiss? Ok, maybe that's kind of a blunt way to put it. I'm still curious though.

"Hey." Speak of the devil. Echo stands over my seat. He motions for me to scoot over and slides down next to me.

"Hi." I answer, far too awkward for my liking. His thigh brushing mine. Is he going to bring it up? Should I? What if he just automatically thinks we're together now? Last time I checked, that's not quite how it works.

"So, how was your night?"

"Fine." Y'know, besides you basically raping my lips. "How was yours?"


We sit quietly until we arrive at James' stop. He sits across from us. I turn to greet him when I notice Echo has my feet pinned down under our bags. I kick at his feet, hitting his shin when I'm finally free.

"Rude." He pouts.

"So are you," I counter. "Hi James. My real friend." Echo hits my shoulder lightly.

"Hey!" Echo exclaims, out of utter shock and hurt. James just bursts in laughter.

"I don't know what I just walked into," he flips up his palms. "But, I want no part of it."

And just like that, we're back to normal.

Kind of.


During lunch Echo, James, and I eat at a table off to the side. No one really sits near us, which we're content with.  Amonst us we have quite the odd assortment of food. A bag of hot cheetos, some pretzels, two bottles of water (reserved for flipping obnoxiously on the table), and a pack of polar ice gum.

I unwrap a piece of gum and pop it in my mouth. James tosses his bottle, landing it upright with a triumphant whoop. I roll my eyes as he reaches over to shove a handful of pretzels into his mouth. 

"What are you doing tonight?" I ask to no one in particular.

James shrugs. "Homework, I dunno." I nod and look over at Echo.

"Nothing really, Mom's out till midnight so I have the house to myself. Why?"

"Pete and Patrick want to have a housewarming thing tonight. Said I could invite my friends." I shrug and blow an unsuccessful bubble with my gum.

"Sounds sick." Echo comments. James nods.

"What time?"

"How's seven?" I ask smiling.

Been a while.

Anywho it was a busy and stressful week. I got a new phone though, and I'm hoping for a laptop for Christmas so updates will be easier to write.

That is all.

Bye. ✌

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