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Lyssa had shown me around for about an hour and a half before she took me to a field next to the school and we sat down against a tree. She pulls out her phone and sends a text, then she takes out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I'm not really surprised that she smokes, but I'm not sure if I should try to be friends with her. It's a new school, getting in with the wrong group of kids maybe isn't the best idea. I glance over at her, legs stretched out as she answers another text before turning her attention.

"You alright if I smoke?"

"Oh, uh yeah, I'm fine with it." I pull my legs into a criss cross position and debate taking out my phone, or asking her when we'll go to class.

She let's out a sigh,"Dammit, I wanted you to meet my friend, but she can't skip her third period." Her cigarette is suddenly forgotten as she picks up her phone and shows me an image of her with another girl, she's tall and thin, blonde hair falling straight down her back. She looks like she just got done running because she's dressed in basketball shorts and a tank top that has the name of the school printed on the chest.

"She's pretty." I state, it's true she's one of those girls who look like they're ready for a photo shoot even after working out.

"Yeah, y'know she's gay, and single if you're interested." She winks at me and I can't help but laugh.

"No, I've got a boyfriend. What's her name?"

"Mary. Mary McDougall." She states grandly.

"Well, I can't wait to meet her." She grins.

"You'll love her, I can already tell." She shifts a bit so she can face me, legs tucked to the side. "So, about this boyfriend...?" She gives me a devilish look.

"No, you can't see him." I state with finality.

"Oh, scared I'll steal him."

"No, it's- it doesn't matter " I sigh and look pick at a string on my jeans.

"What's wrong? Trouble in paradise?"

"Something like that." I chuckle.

"Well, I'll get it out of you eventually."

The bell rings then, we gather up our things and head to third period, which we so happen to have together. It also happened to be science, my least favorite.

The classroom is set up with six big black tables, and as far as I can tell there's no seating chart. Lyssa chooses a table in the back corner of the room. She settles into the chair closest to the wall, right next to the window. Mariposa is only one story high, so the windows are only a foot or two away from the ground, which is basically just the blacktop outside.

She let's out an annoyed sigh as she tosses her binder on the table. We had dumped our things earlier when she showed me my locker. I sit beside her, placing my things on the table a with a bit less attitude. She crosses her legs as she leans back in the plastic chair, looking an odd mix of lady-like and casual.

I just place my hands in my lap, unsure of what else to do. A boy joins our table only a minute before the bell rings. The teacher hadn't arrived yet so Lyssa launches into a conversation with him.

"Hey Lyssa, who's your friend?" He gestures to me and I try not to roll my eyes.

"That's Lucy, she's new. Lucy, this is Jayden, everyone's gay best friend." He rolls his eyes at the statement.

"Ha-ha." He puts his bag on the table, settling into the chair on the other side of the table. "I'm not gay by the way," he informs. "I'm pan."

"And that is...?"

He rolls his eyes again. "You're an uncultured bish too, aren't you?"

I can't help my laugh at his vocabulary. "I guess I am. Now are you going to educate me on your sexuality?"

He sighs dramatically. "I'm attracted to gender, not sex." I bite my lip, taking this in.

"Ok... That sounds reasonable. You're accepted."

He laughs, a full on laugh. One that makes me laugh too. I grin at the whole heartedness of the interaction and the boy in front of me.

A pudgy lady comes through the door at last. She huffs something about being a substitute and says we can have study hall, which according to Lyssa and Jayden just means playing cards for the entirety of the period and being absolute assholes to the teacher. I don't do much to stop it though, nodding when Jayden asks if I want to be dealt in again, and smiling as they begin to steal various things off the desk when the sub isn't looking. Hayden flashes a smile at me a couple of times as he ducks back to the floor. He tosses me a roll of tape he had stole, telling me to hide it.

We end up taping it to the bottom of the table we're sitting at, and I'm almost sure he brushed against my hand one too many times for it to be accidentally.


At lunch I sit with Lyssa and Jayden. We pick a spot in the field, fairly far off, but still a good amount of other kids join us. Jayden still never fails to turn back to me to say something every couple minutes. I formally meet Mary, along with a boy with a brown bun on his head and a Pierce The Veil shirt named Noah. Rory also joins us, explaining he's Mary's older brother and seems to be rather close with Noah.

Jayden sits just a bit closer to me than what would be socially acceptable. I don't really mind though. Who would be against a cute boy brushing your hand or sitting a little too close, except maybe someone who already had a boyfriend. The buzz of my phone in my pocket makes me think twice about my thoughts. I suddenly all at once notice Lyssa giving me a funny look, then looking at Mary who seems to agree with whatever she's telling her telepathically.

I excuse myself to the bathroom and quickly locate what I think is the nearest one. As soon as I'm inside I see I haven't escaped alone.

"Lucy? You alright?"

Mary's bright voice makes me look at her. I don't answer her at first, checking my phone to see that Echo has texted me again.

From: Echo
Hey school got let out early, Skype me whenever.

I send back a quick ok, feeling guilty.

"Uh, yeah, I think so." Mary nods, leaning against the door.

"Are you sure?"

"Uh, is there something going on between Lyssa and Jayden?" I decide to ask this to be safe. I don't want to be seen as a bitch who steals another girls guy.

Mary just laughs. "What? Like, romantically? Nah, they've been like brother sister since they were kids." I nod and hum, taking this in. "Why? You like him?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"I hope not," I tell her honestly. She gives me a confused look, but instead of questioning me she asks me something I was not expecting.

"Lyssa invited me over this weekend if you'd like to hang with us. She's pretty fun when she's high,you probably don't want to miss it." I chuckle. "And we can talk about boys," she makes a face. "Or girls." Then she winks and I laugh again.

so um I kinda planned out the rest of this fic as far as I can tell, but a sequel is looking like a real good idea to me so...
I hope you all will still be interested when I switch books.

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