Chapter 3: The London News

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The news that a girl in England saw true dream and saved a family from fire In London had spread far and wide . People started to discuss about it .
There was a man named as Justin commonly called as The boss .H e was a very rich man and had two secret clients. He was really intelligent and smart. His two clients were George and Jacky. JACKY was a bit foolish and George was smart enough to solve any problem. So the boss called up a meeting after watching the news. He found something strange in the news .

"You know that this girl got a vision" said Justin

"Boss i know but to be confirmed are you sure she got" said George

"The people there had witnessed it and her friend were also telling that what she sees is always true " replied the boss

"So what is the matter Boss? what is troubling you? "

"George you know who get visions..........not least not clear and also not exact"

"And she saw the exact one " replied George

"That is simple she is not a human" said jacky

"Jacky you are right .........but she can be the one whom we are searching know"replied Justin

" A......... Wizard"said George

"Yeah because they are only the creatures who get visions....the exact ones"

"Sir, if she is a wizard that means she doesn't know she we can bring her here and also can make some profit ...........she'll get visions and we'll get aware of our loss and can make double profit" said George

"Yeah but what we need is a wizard we'll hypnotize her and we'll know where are wizards and if we succeed we'll be richer than ever"replied the boss

"How will we get rich?!" asked Jacky

"Obviously millions of people wanted to see real wizards we can put higher rates of ticket and if we say that wizards are dangerous and we caught them then also that's obvious that king will reward us for saving the country"said the boss

"But won't that be a lie" said Jacky

"You fool!.....we are bluffers and bluffing is our rule"

"What do you mean by bluff?"

"bluff means to lie.......fool!"


"So George we need to hack the king's stamp to make the invitation look like a royal request"said the boss

"But why do we need to invite we can directly catch her and bring her here"

"That's exactly what we don't have to do......we'll call her here with a royal invitation so that no one can suspect us and we will also dress up like royal ministers and once she got know next" said boss

"I know....."

you must be thinking why did they kept Jacky in their team he is so foolish and of none use but he was the famous hacker he knows all techniques of hacking and after knowing this Justin brought Jacky here....., but yes he is a bit foolish. So now you know how are they gonna hack royal stamp


"Boss the invitation is ready"said Jacky

"You know this is only the reason i have kept you here......good job my boy!"replied the boss

"now it's time to call the victim here"said George

"POST!"ordered the boss

"Your command, my wand!"said GEORGE

And the letter is posted..........

"Mom a royal letter!" said Blair

"Are you alright? how can a royal letter come here....check if the stamp is there"

"Yes mom! there is, there is the royal stamp!"said blair

Her mom hurried and came out of kitchen and rushed towards Blair

"Cory! Cory! come here look it's a royal request!"

"What!?" Cory rushed there with a shock"what does it say!?"continued Cory

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