Chapter 8: It's time to get trained!

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Brandon and Blair went for the trainig.
He took out his spell book and gave it to Blair. He said that she need to understand the spell, feel it and think as if it will happen within a second.
"You need to imagine everything what you want to be done" said Brandon
He continued "if you want to grab something from someone or push aside someone, or just start with a simple spell, you need to make somthing fly, read the special words then the spell and imagine. You can even perform the spell with your fingers"said Brandon

"Isn't it a long process?"asked Blair

"Just see how am I doing!"
"Not interseted!"said Blair
"Please!"said Brandon in a frustrating tone
"Go on!"

He did a magic spell and showed her how to do. He told her some special words that had to be spoken before every spell.

She learned it and tried doing the spell. He taught her how to fly and how to add magic in some special ornaments.

On the other hand, the king was trying make some plans for saving the kingdom. He trained his wizards but unfortunately they don't have any weapons compared to humans. He was trying to figure out how to win the battle. They were less in numbers. This was their first battle without magic

In London, the army was ready.
The soldiers were 2000 minimum and maximum 5000 and all were fully trained.

Blair was learning fast all the spells. About 6 hours were over since they started their training.

At the end of the day she was all ready with the magic spells

She was able to perform all the magic not so perfectly but better and this day finally came to an end. Now only two days were left. She alone cannot handle the whole battle
Or just say she and Brandon. Wizards were not perfectly trained and were also not having any weapons. Now what will happen!

Now it was time for Blair to see the wizard kingdom as now she is a part of wizards
"Blair as now you have learned the spells, so now it's time for you to go to our kingdom. You have to meet the king." Said Brandon

"Oh! I have to go, really!...pretty interesting. But when should we go?"

"Well! First thank you...,for believing in wizards, who you really are!"said Brandon in a sarcastic tone "and also for calling out the battle....I think so tomorrow early at the morning. Don't be late!"he continued

"I said sorry!..... Okay! And bye


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