Chapter 11: The Tricky Plan

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Same day...
After a little while when Brandon was on his way to drop Blair, Simon came and informed that the king wanted to meet both of them in personal
"Wait...before we go just tell me, did I did something wrong or that emotional princess messed up something about me!"said Blair
"I don't know. It will be better if you go and know it yourself" replied Simon
"I guess he wants to discuss something about the battle, only one day more...I guess you know that"said Brandon
"Won't it be better if you both leave, His Majesty is waiting"said Simon
They both left. Brandon was right, king called them to discuss about the battle
"Blair, I don't know at what you are perfect, but I do know because of you the battle is called and now you are against it. According to Brandon's vision maybe you are someone who can save us, but I guess you don't know how. I called you both to discuss about the battle, the humans are perfectly ready and we don't have any weapons to fight with."said the king
"Why don't you use any magic to bring the weapons?"replied Blair
"We don't have enough subjects to teach overall we don't have an army, we never needed any army. We always used magic and so do our opponents"replied the king
"That confirms that we do have experts at magic skills, right?"asked Blair
"One of them is standing with you"
"With me.... you mean Brandon.. really!"
"Excuse me.. I am a expert" said Brandon
"Whatever, back to the point, Your Majesty we can use magic for the battle. If they don't know magic similarly we don't have army"said Blair
"What do you mean?" asked Brandon
"There will be one battle, one ground but two ways. They will play with weapons and we'll play with magic. If they aren't compromising then why should we?"said Blair
"Won't it be a cheating?" the king asked
"If they are dealing their way then we shall deal our way, we know how to battle with magic and they with weapons. It will be cheating if we use weapons, it is just like a race between a deer and turtle instead it shall be between a deer and a leopard" said Blair
"Good! It is a good idea, but how shall we tell this to them? Not with a letter ofcourse!"said the king
"Why don't we put a meeting this evening? We have to meet them on the battle field then why not today!"replied Blair
"Okay! They should also know with whom they are dealing with, we are not the ordinaries we are the tricky wizards, we play tricks which are legal in their own sense" said king with some great attitude and in a proudy way then he continued
"Inform them about the meeting"
"To inform I shall return to my home"said Blair
"Okay, but do come back and Brandon my all expectations are from you so perform your best at it"
"Yes your Majesty"said Brandon
"You both may leave now"
Brandon and Blair left. They were going towards Blair's home.
"So you two came back, by the way what happened there?"asked Cory
"A lot! But I'll tell you later. Right now I have to message something important"said Blair and she went to her roon
"I will tell you!"said Brandon
"I like you boy! But no need, you better go back"said Cory
"I want to but I can't!"replied Brandon
"I have to take your daughter back , she came because she wanted to message something important as she said"
"Oh! Would you like to have something?"
"I messaged!"screamed Blair which was heard till the hall. Brandon was going to her room but till then she came out
"What happened?"asked Brandon
"I messaged them" said Blair
"So why did you screamed?"asked Brandon
"Ummm...simply I guess"
"I got scared.."

On the other hand Justin recieved the message. He got totally worried after hearing about the meeting. He went with George and Jacky to their king and informed. London's king wasn't worried at all. He wondered that they might be scared and told Justin to reply that they will surely meet them that evening

Brandon and Blair were returning back and Blair was having her mobile this time so she received Justin's message on time
"Brandon! They agreed!" Said Blair
"The London's king agreed about this meeting"
"So soon!"said Brandon in a suspicious tone
"No need to worry! Their plans don't matter because our trick can defeat them easily"said Blair
"Yeah! By the way thanks!"said Brandon
"For what?"
"For something that you did, you might understand this later"said Brandon

So what do you guys think? What will happen?
As usual.. To know read further
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