Chapter 14: The Battle and a secret to be revealed

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Finally the day of battle came.
Everyone was practising hard, aiming to win. It wasn't easy for humans to rebel against magic. This is the first time for humans to rebel against wizard. The battle's ground was choosen, it was in the middle of both the kingdoms. Finally the time occured for the battle to begin.
All the experts from the wizard kingdom were well practised and the soldiers from London or say England were uncountable. It wasn't easy to say who would win and will lose.
The battle started.
All the soldiers attacked, wizards casted spells, they controlled the soldiers, some resisted while some can't handle it.

All the soldiers attacked, wizards casted spells, they controlled the soldiers, some resisted while some can't handle it

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This was the view.
Blasts by wizards and swords with soldiers.
At a particular time it became harder for the wizards to handle the soldiers as they were lot im number.
Even if 100-500 soldiers were injured and weren't able to perform and 200 were killed still more than thousand were active. At that time the princess tried her best and performed the biggest magic to control 500 soldiers together but it failed as it was more than her capacity.
Then Blair also tried and superisingly she controlled more than 1000 soldiers together and the view was exactly the same of Brandon's vision which he saw earlier!
Because of this special magic performed the wizards won the battle. All thanks to Blair!
But still there was a problem, the humans got to know about wizards! Now they will be exposed. Today they won but what if everyone gets to know, what if all the kingdoms combine together, then it would be harder than before! This was the fear in the minds of the wizards.
The wizard's king declared  that he knows how to erase memory. He told that he will erase the incidents, all the meetings held and all the memories related to wizards from the minds of human except Blair's parents.
Everyone wondered that why didn't he did this before. The answer was simple: he was not a coward and wants to deal with them fairly in their own style.

Finally the battle got over but the magic of princess didn't worked while Blair's spell was even harder to cast, and still it worked even though she was an ordinary wizard. This made everyone suspect at the princess. To clear the doubts of everyone. The king took them all to the special and old library of the kingdom. It was really big and was beautiful

 It was really big and was beautiful

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This is the library....

There were many books but among them one was special. It contains everything about wizards and all the secrets. It also tells about royal blood and how to test it.

 It also tells about royal blood and how to test it

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This was the book...
The book says that...
'A royal blood has a capacity than anyone. It is a gift for a royal blood. An ordinary wizard can control upto 300 people and if it tries to extend, the spell will fail. A royal blood can control more 1000 people at one time together and even more. This is the special capacity only a wizard from a royal family or the daughter or son of the king may have and none.'

After reading this, everyone got to know who was the real princess, Blair. The king burst into tears. At that time the princess or say the fake princess disappearred and left a fireball behind.

The fireball burst and the library was on fire. Somehow the fire was controlled. Many fainted and among them one was Blair. After few hours everyone became conscious but Blair never opened her eyes. Brandon knew what was going on and Simon was shocked as he didn't expected this to happen so soon

Everyone became worried. The king saw a letter beside Blair. Brandon was going to pick but before he could, the king picked the letter, as he started reading his tears started shedding out of his eyes and his eyes were widened up.

Congratulations! Wizards won the battle, Blair is the real princess, but sadly she is not becoming conscious. By the way is really Blair dead like Brandon saw in his vision? and what is written on the letter? Who was that fake princess and why was she there?

To know...... Read!

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