Chapter 19: 'Dark Death' Forest Part 2

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No way out, where to go? No idea
Within a moment those wild beasts attacked at Brandon.
He kept fighting with them and that old man kept watching.
Those beasts with their sharp nails attacked and scratched him on his chest.
At that time he started running through the trees, the trees were taller and taller and as much as he went inside the lesser the space was there, not much space to turn nor much time to stop as those beasts were climbing trees and were jumping from the trees on his way.
Suddenly on his way that old man came and whispered in his ears,"Where are you from? and what do you want?"
Brandon didn't had much time to stop but when he did it seemed like the time stopped for a moment and that old man was smiling. He had no idea what was happening but he thought it would be better if he didn't ask him. He answered that,"I am from the place where I belong and I am here to save someone for whom the world can sacrifice itself"
"Better, I don't need the direct answer though but still can you tell me the name" asked the old man
"I think you are trust worthy but right now I don't want to trust"
"How did you stop the time?" asked Brandon
"The time hasn't stopped but those beasts listen to me, but not more than five minutes as they are not my servants"
"Who are you?"
"Someone who knows everything and knows how to escape but if I opened my mouth or I try to escape, my family will suffer" replied the old man
"I am here to destroy this kingdom" said Brandon
"And I'll be waiting for it, well its better you continue running, five minutes are about to end"
He started running again but unfortunately those beasts started coming on his way again, he ran as fast as he could.
"I don't know what is the way out but I do know I have to run because that old man told me to keep running" thought Brandon and now he started running with more spirit but the paths were becoming thinner, hard to walk and harder to run. Those beasts weren't back of him anymore. He tried to walk as much as he can and sooner he saw a light, a ray of a sun.
Thankfully he reached there within few minutes but as soon as he came out, those beasts jumped on him and scratched him all over his chest and face with their poisonous nails.
It was a sudden attack, and Brandon fell there on the ground he was out of the Dark Death forest but now it was hard to say if he would survive.
His eyes were filled with tears and the crying scenes, that horrible cries, the king's belief and Blair's face was all revolving around his mind. All the hopes were shattered at once.

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