Chapter 4: The Plan to be Executed.....

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"What is it dear?"said her mom

"It says that.........."said Blair

"What 'that' fast"said Cory

"Okay! it says that it needs i get dreams so that can actually help the country for it's benefit"said Blair

"Ooohh! and what are we supposed to do..?"asked her dad

"It also says to meet them there is one address given I have to go there...."said Blair

"ALONE!"interrupted her mom

"Mom wait......not alone i can go with anyone "said Blair

"Okay! who will go?"said her mom

"It's"said Cory 

"Okay dad.....and mom calm down okay"

The next day, Blair and her dad Cory moved towards the address given. First they met Jacky and he lead them towards Justin 

"So what do you think Mr..."said Justin

"Cory, it's Cory"

"Okay Cory what do you think about our offer? after all the country needs your daughter....."

"Yeah! my daughter will work for the's a thing to be proud of.....but" said Cory

"No buts! there is no chance of danger, after all if you say yes your daughter's safety will be the responsibility of the king himself"

"How do you know I was about to ask you about my daughter's safety"

"It's usual every parent is concerned about their child " said Justin

"But something is unusual about you"

"Leave my unusuality and let's talk about your daughter's unusual dreams"

"In case of this I think Blair and I too will be proud if she works for the country"

"Okay! then dear Blair come here tomorrow there is a lot to do!....and Mr Cory no need to worry about money her salary will be ready before the date in any condition"

"I am not worried about money, but if you say so I'll see...thank you! have a nice day"

"Okay then see you! and don't forget to send Blair"

So as you have seen the conversation took place was pretty good but the next thing which is going to happen wasn't.

The next day [as usual] came and she was getting already to go, she had her breakfast and was enjoying the pleasant morning.Almost ready to she is off to 'London R20'. This place is so called because 'R' means richest and on 20th he became the richest[for him not really] that's why he kept this name for his office or business

But this doesn't matter.......Nearly after 25-30 minutes she reached there Justin welcomed her really nicely covering his intentions. For a while he acted as he was really serious about his work and showed her fake works to do. He gave her one fake work also to keep her busy so that George and make up the arrangements. After an hour approximately 1 hour he suddenly closed the door and he turned her chair. Without a gap of a second he started hypnotizing her..

"You are under my control........"George said by moving the locket[which is used for hypnotizing

"You are sleepy......and also sleepy and now more sleepy"continued George

"She is already sleepy no need to make her more sleepy George"said Jacky

"Shhhhh! be quiet she is under my control no need to disturb her....."

To know what happens..........what will she say? or she'll be saved......but who will save? you or me!

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