Chapter 22: The Happenings

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Brandon was trapped.

On the other hand, in the wizard kingdom....
Blair suddenly opened her eyes and took a deep breath and then closed her. People over there quickly called the physician. The physician checked Blair and informed that Blar is back to life. The king was over joyed, the queen couldn't stop her tears of joy, everyone there was happy. A sudden thought disturbed the people. Everyone wondered about Brandon. Where will he be? How will he be? Is he alright? These questions were arising on the minds of people

There in the Fire kingdom...
Brandon was sent to the prison and Kalifice herself came and tortured him.
"Well, you released Blair, Good! But now I got you. Poor Blair she was just an innocent girl but she got in trouble because of you! If you have not brought her to the wizard kingdom or if you have not created any suspect in the minds of people she wouldn't had to face this all. Well if I go deeply in the matter the main cause of my plan getting destroyed was you and only you and now I got you. Ahh! You were here you destroy me, my kingdom, you can't do it. You can't kill me and that's why you can't destroy my kingdom. Poor Brandon" said Kalifice, by saying this she took a rope which was as hot as fire and started beating him with that
"Ah! I would love to hear you scream" said Kalifice
"And I won't scream" said Brandon. Brandon thought that
"She just keep saying again and again that I can't kill her neither can I destroy the kingdom because I can't destroy her, seriously!.......wait I have a potion, what if......what if she is the root of the kingdom. Shall I try...well I can use it only once, what if it doesn't work but what if it does work, this is the only way to escape and I am going to try it, best of luck Brandon, to myself"
He slowly took the potion from his pocket and secretly hiding from the sight of Kalifice started pouring it on her. Some sparkles came and then a loud scream of Kalifice was heard. It worked!
"You evil! How dare you? My curse will harm your life" these were the last words of Kalifice and she continued to scream till she vanished away and now the whole kingdom started falling apart, all stones were falling, lava was boiling and Brandon started running. Before the mirror could burn he jumped out of it and started running as soon as possible. As he was running fast by mistake his wand fell out of his hand and he didn't realized it. He continued running and he finally came out of the castle. The whole kingdom got destroyed and was vanished forever. It seemed like it never existed.

Then Brandon was finally going to perform the magic but he realized that he is not having his wand.
"Where is my wand? Did I left it? Oh my god! How far I run I won't be able to reach wizard kingdom without my wand, I can't even contact anyone without my wand" thought Brandon

In wizard kingdom.....
Blair had opened her eyes. People talked to her, informed her that she was the real princess, asked her about how she is feeling and then left. She then stopped the king over there
"His Majesty, I mean father, where is Brandon? I can't find him anywhere." said Blair
After hearing this question for a moment he kept quiet and then revealed everything.
"And yet he didn't came back? It has been so long! Why are you all not doing anything?" said Blair
"Everyone told to wait for sometime before taking any action" replied the king
"And you are listening to them? How could you? He did so much for us, if not for us then atleast for me he did a lot. Please do something" said Blair
"You are right!" He called his servant "Call everyone for a meeting" said the king
"I am also coming" said Blair
"You are not well enough" replied the king
"I am!"

On the other hand
Brandon took a deep breath
"There is only one thing I can do" he looked towards the boiling lava and then again took a deep breath "I will jump in this lava, it may hurt me but I atleast I can die with peace as I have done what I have to, I hope she is alright" said Brandon to himself. He closed his eyes and jumped!

In the wizard kingdom
A big, powerful spell was being performed. In front of the some sparkles came and a little glitter appeared.
Slowly-slowly Brandon became visible in front of them.
Brandon didn't felt any fire and when he opened his eyes he was in the wizard kingdom and even Blair was there.
Everyone was happy.....
"Thank you, thanks a lot! I have no words but still thanks" said Blair
"Whatever I did, I did it for myself" replied Brandon and then smiled.
The king held Brandon's shoulders tight and said "you are the bravest and the best person I have ever met"

Everyone later left,
"Are you alright?" said Blair
"I wasn't but I am now" replied Brandon
"I am glad you made it, I don't wanna lose the precious man of my life, the one who automatically became the part of my breath" said Blair
Brandon then just gave a sweet smile and said "Well I had to do it, for my own life"
"Pretty mean mister!" said Blair
"Brandon you came! You came back" Simon shouted as he was running
"Simon! How are you?" said Brandon
"I am fine. Leave about me, how are you?" replied Simon
"You know, king is putting up a ball dance today for you, for your bravery and also for Blair I mean, Princess Liana" said Simon
"Really! I never saw a ball, I mean of course I saw in movies but not in real!" said Blair
"That means you might not be knowing how to dance" said Simon
"Well I know a little, I guess I can manage" replied Blair
"Ok!...Brandon are you alright? You better go and have some rest but don't forget to attend the ball."
"Yeah! I'll not forget and I am fine"
"Better! Now I better leave" said Simon
Simon left
"Brandon I think you should have some rest, you are already injured badly" said Blair
"Hmm, take care, please" said Brandon

Later that day......
While Brandon was getting ready Simon came
"Looking good expert!" said Simon
"Tell me the truth, what was the exact reason which made you took such a big step"
"Which step?" said Brandon
"Going to fire kingdom" said Simon
"I was just being loyal"
"Really! That's why when you got a vision about Blair you became so worried, I never saw being worried about someome so much"
"That was about life and death" said Brandon
"Okay, the king was going to rescue Blair, still you went, wow!"
"I was being loyal, I told you and no more arguments okay!'"
"I just wanted you to reveal everything to me and all" said Simon
"What do you want me to reveal?!"
"Leave it, you'll do yourself by the way its getting late"
Brandon went to the ball.
At the ball, Brandon was awarded for being the most loyal and being the bravest man of all, who also destroyed the Fire kingdom.
After Brandon was awarded then Blair was declared officially the real princess and heir of the Wizard kingdom. Blair's parents Katherine and Cory were also invited at the ball.

Now everyone were called for a dance.
"Hey! You are looking beautiful" said Brandon to Blair
"Thanks, by the way you too are looking good" replied Blair
"Wanna dance?"
"I don't know how to dance" said Blair
"I'll manage it"
"Sure?, what if I step on your shoe"
"It won't hurt me" replied Brandon
"What if I fall?" said Blair
"I'll catch you"
"But I don't know the steps" said Blair
"Hold my hand and follow me" said Brandon
"Ok, If you'll manage me then I would love to dance" said Blair and smiled
Brandon took Blair's hand and they both danced.

The End.....
Life is Fantasy, a fantasy to start, move in and a fantasy to believe in. Hope you all enjoyed.

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