Chapter 17: Ready...

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Later that day......
Bradon went to his home. Simon was waiting for him, when he saw Brandon he asked him
"What happened? What did king told about you going there?"
"Hmm, he told it is my choice, if I want I can or else its my wish but I will go. The king called me at 10 p.m for leaving" said Brandon
"Hmm, have planned any way of defeating them or how to take the gem?"
"Nah! Not yet, at first I will reach the forest then some volcano and then the castle and then I finally have to start taking the gem and His Majesty gave me a potion through which the kingdom can get destroyed but I have to find the correct person." replied Brandon
"Are you nervous?" said Simon
"If I am I am sure I'll get my nerve back pretty soon"
"That's the spirit! Go on, today the whole universe will help you" said Simon
"Hope so"

That day at 10pm Brandon went to the king. The king was waiting for him and he felt a bit relaxed when he saw Brandon, even though he was worried for Brandon and was upset about Blair somewhere deep in his heart he had faith on Brandon that he will surely come and before that Blair will open her eyes again.

Till that time the whole kingdom got to know about that letter and Brandon leaving so the whole kingdom came to see Brandon.
The king cast a spell on Brandon. The smoke came everyone started coughing and when the smoke went it took Brandon with it.

Brandon reached a place which was dark and scary, wolves were howling, bats were flying but this is not 'The Dark Death' forest, still that forest can be seen from there. Brandon took his first step and moved towards the forest.
As his steps began, the wolves eyes were seen and it became brighter as he moved further

To know what happens next please keep reading and please do vote if you liked the chapter.
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