Chapter 21: The Final Task

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When he opened the door he saw a big fire castle, a burned, black castle. It wasn't really burnt but it seemed like because of its colour and also because of its burnt smell. Brandon moved towards the castle.

                         This is how the castle looked like

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                         This is how the castle looked like.

He moved inside the castle. There were no security guards unlike a royal castle. There were stairs, when he started climbing them, the stairs started increasing. When he stopped, the floor seemed in front. Brandon knew they were tricky enough, he started coming down the stairs and he reached up.
It was tricky!
He moved forward and doors kept coming, he kept opening the door and kept moving. Again the doors came and he again opened them. The doors were endless. On every door there were different symbols. When he opened the door next time there he saw was a big monster. Not an ordinary one unlike movies but a monster which had special powers and was made of fire.
Without any delay he attacked Brandon, already Brandon was deeply injured and again this monster attacked Brandon and he again got injured.
Brandon took his wand out and performed the spell on him. That spell did worked on monster but not much. He again performed the same spell on him and now more powerfully but the monster stopped him. The monster kept attacking Brandon and what he can do now was to defence himself. He jumped to the other sides within seconds to confuse him, but that didn't worked. Now the monster became even more angry and he made a big disastrous magical ball which can destroy anything within seconds.
By the time, Brandon saw a mirror, it was small but can do its work. He decided to take the mirror. When the monster was going to throw its ball, Brandon showed the mirror. To his surprise as soon as Brandon showed the mirror, the monster ran away!
When the monster ran away, Brandon looked at the mirror but he can see was only himself. He touched the mirror, it was solid, but he felt something there
He closed his eyes and touched the mirror, his hand went inside the mirror and slowly so did he went inside the mirror. When he opened his eyes, what he saw was a big throne. He understood that this was the throne of the queen of the fire kingdom. That mirror was a way to queen's throne and unknowingly he reached to his destination. On that throne there was the queen of the Fire kingdom sitting.
"So you are the one whom king send. Well I wonder how rude is your king to you but sweeter to me as I mentioned in the letter that I wanted you and look who came, you" said the queen
"Well I decided myself, villian!" said Brandon
"You can call me Kalifice, or whatever you like. So what do you want? That gem! Of course I will give but after your death, because if you try to kill me you won't be able to or if you try to destroy this kingdom it won't get destroyed because untill I am alive it won't get destroyed" said Kalifice

Brandon was listening this all restlessly and was busy finding where the gem was kept. He saw a small blue box kept on the top of the throne. After looking at that box for a certain period of time he realized that it was filled with water and there was a small orange color gem kept inside.
Right now Kalifice was still talking about herself.
Brandon understood that this was the gem in which Blair's soul was trapped.
He stepped forward and came near the throne, he climed the stairs of the throne and came nearer to the throne. Then he suddenly sat on his knees and told "Well I know, I am not that capable of defeating you. My life is now yours, you can take it away if you wish to"

"Oh! Well it will be my honour." said Kalifice.
As soon as she said these words, Brandon suddenly jumped and grabbed that blue box which had the gem and came back to his place infront of her. Kalifice was in a shock.

"So what are you thinking? Oh you must be in a shock!" said Brandon
"Give me the gem!" said Kalifice
"First answer my question. Are you made of fire?"
"Of course!"
"Show me! Activate your fire skills" said Brandon
She activated and was really angry
"Here take it!" said Brandon. He threw the gem on yhe hands of Kalifice while her fire powers were activated.
"You are really a fool" said Kalifice
"First look your hands" replied Brandon.
The box was totally melted, the water vaporised because of the heat of the fire in the hands of Kalifice, and the gem started burning. There was wonderful smile on the face of Brandon and an angry expression on the face of Kalifice.
With anger she performed a powerful spell and now Brandon was wrapped with chains.

Yeah! The gem is burned but now what will happen!
To know, keep reading

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