Chapter 2:The First Vision!

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@The next day....

There was nothing much special that day as it was her holiday and the next day was her college . But something kept Blair uneasy on things , she seemed a little confused and was into something deep. After that, her mother came and asked her "What is the matter dear? Why are you so confused?"

"Yeah everything is alright but- but I am not able to figure out that why did I faint and I think i saw something and since morning i am just getting a feeling that something is gonna change ." replied confused Blair .

"Take it easy dear.It maybe because you were playing too much .And because of tiredness you fainted.After all you are my little sensitive angel ."
But after that incident ,somehow I feel that everything will change and nothing will remain the same, I don't know whether it is in a positive or a negative sense but something is, for sure ."said Blair firmly .

"Okay I understand, but now there is no time to think . Come and have some dinner ,then you have to keep everything ready for tomorrow. I don't wanna see you late ." replied her mom

"Okay mom!"

You know what I am getting a strange feeling too ....just kidding.Actually this was her last year in college after which she would become a dentist .

In her college there was a boy named John who always used to play pranks on his professors . Today, one special guest the chair man of this university , was on a round to check the classes to see the true behaviour of the students . The professors were informed about it but not the students.

"It will be fun! I swear" said john who was excited .

"I know, also you never got caught buddy ,I am proud of who is next?" asked Ron .

"The next professor!.."said john with an evil smile .

"hey! whats going on? something interesting?"said Blair,she just entered the class .

"oh hey Blair ,you know today John is going to prank's gonna be fun watching" said Ron .

"i guess john you shouldn't do this today.....what if you get caught?"said Blair .

"I never get caught...don't worry ."replied John .

"But today you will........ I know . I have a feeling ."

"Soo? I know I won't "

And their argument ended there . After a while the professor entered the class and started teaching. John was all ready to attack and as he started to play his prank ....

" I saw you mister.....stand up" a voice was heard .

" Oh my god!...The chairman ! I am gone" said john .

"You are suspended for 6 decision no arguments....sit down and thank you" said chairman. He was actually an aggressive person .

"What was that?!........." john asked .

"Your punishment, we knew he was out there but the students were not informed......good for you huh!" said the professor .

Later after the classes ...

"you knew it... you could have told, i am your good friend right"said john

"you know if I knew, I would have told you but since I also didn't knew that he would come ....but today morning I just got a blur dream related to what happened today ,kinda of same and i was just getting a feeling .I don't know exactly" said Blair.

"I believe you.......bye see you after a long time"said john

"What is happening with me" she said to herself .

The days went by with these strange feelings .But after what had happened, everyone started to believe that what she feels is something different. Soon the chapter of her feelings was about to come to an end with the openings of dream.

After 3 days of that incident mentioned she got a dream that a nearby house is burning .She got a clear image of it, this time . It was noon 12 .

She discussed this with her friends so they hurried and tried to make them understand but they were not accepting especially when she said that she got a dream .They told it's impossible to believe, half of the time went by convincing them , but still they didn't believe . So she pushed them aside and ran inside where she saw that the gas cylinder was leaking and the stove was on with no flame .The smell of burning was all around the house.She hurried to close the gas cylinder and opened all the windows. There was a 99% chance for the house to burn . When the people saw this they were shocked and the family just kept thanking and apologizing her

So she saved a family from fire and this was her clear FIRST VISION!

AFTER a while someone called media and it was spread all over the country England. Till that time no one actually believed in visions .

But why was she seeing visions ? Who was she after all ?

Read further to know more ...

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